After Attending the Game on Sunday, Here's Some Thoughts and Observations


Well-Known Member
COPYING LITTLE BROTHER: This was before the game started, and this was by far the most disappointing aspect of my experience at CHA this time around, but the Iowa Band played, I kid you not, “Sweet Caroline.” The rumors are true. How this can happen, I do not know. But somebody with some kind of connections, please enlighten the Band Leader, and politely inform them that that song, that eardrum-stabbing song, is an Iowa State song. Hell, it’s THE Iowa State song. It’s theirs. For the love of Herkey, and all things black and gold, let them have it. There is no reason why that song should EVER be played at a home Hawkeye game, basketball or otherwise.

: At one point in the game Woodbury got the ball right under the basket, with no one between him and the rim. The crowd seemed to hold its collective breathe as it envisioned what was to come. He wanted it, we wanted it, but just as it was the last game, and the game before that, the rim would get the better of Adam Woodbury. That’s right, the 7’1” center for the Iowa Hawkeyes cannot dunk. And that’s OK. You know why that’s OK? Because he’s OUR 7’1” center that can’t dunk.

- Oddly enough, you know what Woodbury can do? Win tip-offs.

: When compared to “Hilton Magic”, it’s easy to see why CHA’s atmosphere can seem like a library sometimes. That is, a library who’s patrons are mostly crickets reading books about tumbleweeds (which was definitely not the case on Sunday). First, the overall structure of CHA does not help. The wide staircases make for a dissipated crowd. Also, there is way too much room between the fans and the court behind each basket. I kept thinking someone was going to come out in full sweats to warm up for a wrestling match in all that empty space. As for the crowd itself, it was a pretty respectable effort. The place was full except for the very top portion of the student section. Though, the students that were there were the loudest group in the arena by far: They stood the whole game. It sure is a waste to put that kind of enthusiasm from the student body in what are about the worst seats in the house. Or at least, the seats that have the littlest effect on the game.
Overall, it was a great time, and a great win. GO HAWKS!


- Parking was only $5, and relatively close to CHA.
- Holy North Face, white people! Apparently, the official apparel for attending a basketball game at CHA is a North Face pullover. They were everywhere.
-They do not skimp on the ice cream at CHA, and I was thankful for that.
- I know it was supposed to be Fran bobblehead day, but I didn’t see single guitar-shredding White Magic figurine while at the game. Not one.
Student section better make vast improvements in a short amount of time. I know classes hadn’t started but’s kind of embarrassing how quiet it is on tv. There’s no organized cheers and little to no booing. The fans shouldn’t get loud as a result of big plays, it should be the other way around.
They play Sweet Caroline all the damn time now, and It annoys me to no end. And not just because its a Clown song, but because I hate Neil Diamond.
Some of the quietness on TV as it relates to the student section, may have a lot to do with where the student section is, and where the broadcasting crew places their nat mics. But I assure you, the student section was the loudest section by far, and it wasn't even close.
Haven't they played Sweet Caroline for years? I know I have heard it when I've been there. Doesn't mean its a good choice for any sporting event though.
Baby steps..At least CHA is back to sell outs. There is nothing that can be done about CHA's layout. Fans just need to learn to bring it and make CHA a tough venue to play at. It will never match Hilton though. That is the only thing the Clowns can hang their hat on compared to us.
They play Sweet Caroline all the damn time now, and It annoys me to no end. And not just because its a Clown song, but because I hate Neil Diamond.

First time I ever heard it at a college event was at Pitt football game. I figured since KF gave the game to them by going with Jake C 2nd half ... errr ... Pitt won, Iowa stole the song in effort to mimic a winning atmosphere.

Ir-ree-gardless, it was creepy to hear it at any sporting event, let alone, football, back then and it continues to be creepy to this day.
Some of the quietness on TV as it relates to the student section, may have a lot to do with where the student section is, and where the broadcasting crew places their nat mics. But I assure you, the student section was the loudest section by far, and it wasn't even close.

The student section is SUPPOSED to be the loudest section. But they could not sustain anything, that whole jumping up and down thing making noise when on defense was horrible as they could not even make it half way through the shot clock before it died out. Our student section is embarrassing considering this is a ranked team playing at home against a rival. Our student section has to be among the worst in the Big Ten.
The stadium is a terrible layout for producing sound. It's just too flat and spread out.

With that said, I have no problem stating that I'm embarrassed by the crowds effort when you compare it to other programs who are top 15 right now. STAND UP AND CHEER ON THE HAWKS!!! I found myself looking at the crowd during some key moments of that Minnesota game and the majority of people are just sitting there acting like they are at the movie theatre. It's amazing to me that Hawk fans can be so loud in Kinnick, yet so embarrassingly quiet and nonchalant inside Carver. The team is finally fulfilling their end of the deal... I think it's only fair if the crowd would do the same. Sometimes I wish Fran would grab the microphone and say something.
If Sweet Caroline belongs to anyone, it should be the Red Sox, since they've been playing it for like 15 years. All other sporting teams using it are derivative.

That said, it's just a stupid, fun song, so who cares.
Agreed, the student section is SUPPOSED to be the loudest section, but I think the seating assignments for the students has a lot to do with them not being able to sustain the jumping up and down "oooooooooooh..." thing when we are on defense. I mean, the designated section is only at one end of the court, then just goes straight back to the top of the arena. That means for whole half, a lot of the student section is as far away from the action as you can be.
If Sweet Caroline belongs to anyone, it should be the Red Sox, since they've been playing it for like 15 years. All other sporting teams using it are derivative.

That said, it's just a stupid, fun song, so who cares.

I think it's the fact that there are a million other songs to pick from is what bothers me about it. It just seems lazy and uninformed to use that song.
Barta had the chance to make things right a few years ago when they remodeled Carver. He could have moved the students around the court like Michigan/MSU etc.... But instead he sold out to the big wigs for a few extra bucks. Worst move he's made as AD IMO.
I think it's the fact that there are a million other songs to pick from is what bothers me about it. It just seems lazy and uninformed to use that song.

Perhaps the band leader should be checking in with you before they play a song to make sure YOU like it. I was at the game as well and the loudest noises I heard from the crowd during down time was while playing that song "bomp bomp boooooommp".
Barta had the chance to make things right a few years ago when they remodeled Carver. He could have moved the students around the court like Michigan/MSU etc.... But instead he sold out to the big wigs for a few extra bucks. Worst move he's made as AD IMO.

Exactly right … it was dollars over decibels at the time of the remodel. However, they can always do a re-seat after this year.

For Pete's sake let's get a couple of student sections extended out from behind the basket and move them up toward the free throw line. I was watching the Nebraska/OSU game last night and it looked like Nebby had students stretched all along one entire side of the court … including some very vocal kids right behind the visiting bench. Lots of schools are doing this now and it makes sense if you want to create a loud atmosphere and 6th man.
Exactly right … it was dollars over decibels at the time of the remodel. However, they can always do a re-seat after this year.

For Pete's sake let's get a couple of student sections extended out from behind the basket and move them up toward the free throw line. I was watching the Nebraska/OSU game last night and it looked like Nebby had students stretched all along one entire side of the court … including some very vocal kids right behind the visiting bench. Lots of schools are doing this now and it makes sense if you want to create a loud atmosphere and 6th man.

A reseat would be nice but they need to redesign those pull out bleachers to stretch all the way to the edge of the court. Build them out of the loudest aluminum they can find. You can get a way with having the student behind the baskets but just get them closer to the action. There is no reason to have that much walking room around the court.

Someone posted this picture in another thread:


Now THAT is how you design a good student section. Notice how little walking room there is around the court.