For those that think we should have kicked a field goal because points are at a premium in that game, why are you so willing to give up 4 points? If points are important, don't we need 4 extra points there? Settling for an attempt at 3 points isn't a great strategy in a game where points are at a premium. Great call to go for it. Not a great play call. But not a bad one either. If a qb can't get a yard on a sneak because the oline got blown up so bad, how is a running back going to get a yard? By the time he got the ball, the defense would have been so far in the backfield we would have lost 3 yards.
you dont field a ball inside the 5
Stanley played well.*
*until the game was on the line
Stanley sucked in the 4th quarter. This team is going nowhere with him at qb. No consistency, accuracy will always be an issue with him, and his checks at the line are brutal. That was one of the worst Wisconsin teams we've played in a while last night, at home in prime time, and KF and crew shit the bed again.
Everyone that watches these close games we get in and at the end lose upsets me the most is no killer instinct, no take a chance philosophy and it really does start with a very conservative coach who seems to hold out for the competitors mistake all the while we have already committed our own. Field position, time outs, seconds on the clock before halftime and we always seem to knee it and head to the locker room.After a night's sleep I still wonder when Iowa is going to grow up and make the plays to win in the Big Games that matter that take you to the next level in a National Spotlight game. That is the difference between Iowa and Wisconsin right now. Sure, Kirk will pull a rabbit out of his hat frequently and beat a team he is not suppose to beat when playing for a championship is not on the table. To me, that is the most frustrating thing.
You have all of this fan support and everything going for you. You have an insane night environment. The schedule lays out fairly well. All you have to do is get that one stop, or hang on to the ball, or have D1 instincts on what is going on on the field, play to win, scratch where it itches, etc.
Then, the program screws the pooch in nearly every area. That is why we get the Fake ID label. If this program ever got its crap together for entire season that would be a first.
Always take the points in a 0-0 game.For those that think we should have kicked a field goal because points are at a premium in that game, why are you so willing to give up 4 points? If points are important, don't we need 4 extra points there? Settling for an attempt at 3 points isn't a great strategy in a game where points are at a premium. Great call to go for it. Not a great play call. But not a bad one either. If a qb can't get a yard on a sneak because the oline got blown up so bad, how is a running back going to get a yard? By the time he got the ball, the defense would have been so far in the backfield we would have lost 3 yards.
Well Wisconsin did on that last drive. Made the difference from starting on their 1 or 2 yard line to starting on their 11 dont field a ball inside the 5
Coaches not to Lose??? Not a HUNGRY coach? Concept Yells loudly no? Only a modest observation. Us Fans luv to win. Its fun....Go Tough Hawk Players Yes....Everyone that watches these close games we get in and at the end lose upsets me the most is no killer instinct, no take a chance philosophy and it really does start with a very conservative coach who seems to hold out for the competitors mistake all the while we have already committed our own. Field position, time outs, seconds on the clock before halftime and we always seem to knee it and head to the locker room.