Add one player to the roster


Well-Known Member
If you could add one Hawkeye from anytime during the Kirk Ferentz era to this team who would you choose?

Im leaning towards Greenway, and having him play MLB, or Abdul Hodge/Pat Angerer.
Nate Kaeding. Nothing against Meyer, I think he's better than the other two, but he's young and hasn't shown he's even on par with Kaeding yet.
Man what a great question! I had to think about this one for awhile, but I'm going to have to go with Amari or Fletcher because I think that's where we could use the most help right now. A very close second would be Hodge or Angerer because we could definitely use a great MLB as well.
This is not meant to hold anything against our current guys. But I have a handful of guys floating in my head right now.

Rob Bruggeman: I REALLY wish he could have had at least one more year. Great size for a C, and played with a serious mean streak. Ferentz is good, but Bruggeman would be second only to Nelson in the KF era, and I'm not sure that Bruggs wasn't better.

Robert Gallery: can you just imagine putting Rieff at RT and adding Gallery at LT?

Angerer: just an all-round excellent LB, and a true leader (not saying we don't have leaders, Angerer was just right up there with the best)

Kaeding: I think Meyer may end up challenging Kaeding for best ever, but he's not there right now.

Amari: nothing against Hyde, he's going to be a great one. But Amari totally shut down one half of the field for us.

Ladell Betts/Fred Russell/Albert Young: Pick one. I love A-Rob, he's one of my all-time favorites, but I'd like to have a proven back to pair with him (I'm leaning towards Russell for the homerun ability). Obviously Shonn Greene would be great, but I'm not going to pick him simply because that'd keep A-Rob off the field a lot, and I think much higher of him than just a spot guy.
I'm torn between Bob Sanders and Shonn Greene

The only reason I didn't have Sanders on my list of candidates was because Sash plays the same position. If Greenwood were the SS, I'd say Sanders all the way.

And picking Greene almost feels like cheating, even though it's well within the rules to pick him. That guy was a man among boys.
I know you said one player but here is my order. (After Jake Christensen)

1. Shonn Greene
2. Bob Sanders
3. Spievey
4. Dallas Clark
5. Greenway
6. Moeaki
7. Kaeding
8. Gallery
9. Hodge
10. Eric Steinbach
My point with Sanders is that he is a game changer ... teams scheme around him ... I don't care if we move Bob to CB or move Sash to FS or LB, whatever it takes to get him on the field

FBL said all that needs to be said about Greene
Really is a nice luxury not to have such a glaring deficiency that it is immediately obvious.

As it is, we have a fifth year senior at ML, who was B10 DPOW last year and had an INT last week. We have a sophomore at CB that everyone is high on, but is still a little green, and a Freshman kicker with the strongest leg since our Lou Groza winner.'

The only other guys anyone is mentioning is not about replacing the starter, it's just because these guys are all-world types.
Our running game is servicable. Have to say no to SG.

However, Amari would give us a lock-down defense.
Shonn Greene with ARob as a guy to spell him would be amazing to see. I could see why you would say Amari as well even though I think Hyde is a good one and is only going to get better, much better. I also like Stanzi, but I would love to see Chuck Long, yeah I went that far back. That would be sweet to see as well. I also wouldn't mind seeing some more experience at right guard or right tackle, though I think we are fine there as well.
I like the Nate Kaeding answer and that was also my first thought. No slight to Meyer, but it was really nice in 2002 and 2003 to know we had an automatic 3 points pretty much any time we crossed the 50
Shonn Greene..The way he tore Wisconsin up in 2008 was nothing short of masterful.

Then Nate Keading.
Seriously though, I would go with Freddie Russell. Change of pace to mix things up and keep RB's fresh. I think Kirk said he would be good for about 6 snaps.

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