Abuse and College Athletics - MSU

On an institutional level this is many ways this is analogous to the Penn State case. The head coach in both instances is allowed to be emperor of his own domain and whose personal power and the interests of the team can effectively neutralize the system controls around him. In both cases the coaches are bluntly dismissive and openly hostile to even the suggestion of sexual impropriety within the organization. You can debate the degree to which the coach is actually aware and complicit in the abuse, but the results are pretty much the same regardless. The coach and those around him effectively shut down any inquiry into the matter. Anyone who even entertains the possibility of sexual abuse is regarded as not being in it for the team. Depending on how much clout the coach has his veto power and personal control can extend well into the institutional organization around him. If he is purposefully ignorant of what goes on around him, he may require the same from those who work for and with him. Pressure to tow the party line frequently extends throughout an organization, including both executives and subordinates outside the coaches line of authority.

This will eventually go up the food chain. Those women testifying aren't going away.

I mentioned this under the basketball heading.


I do think Izzo is confident enough that he is comfortable speaking without a lot of prep. This one might really taint his reputation.

Most all universities and large organizations are a lot the same. It is a system of building supporters and they cover heavily for each other given the amount of money involved. I'm a little surprised at how defiant MSU admin including the Board have been. The guy worked for 16 months after the President was notified of a police investigation. If you do the calendar math, the 15 year old victim was "treated" during this time.

Based on how this judge has acted in this, I'd guess MSU has a tough road ahead of them. The judge is an author of a book that apparently has a lot of intrigue and investigation where they are trying to "save" someone. Will be interesting to watch this develop. This judge has a righteous ax to grind.
At least one of the gymnasts, a 15 yo who was last assaulted by Nassar just before his arrest in 2016 took aim at MSU. MSU is still billing her for the appointments. She was also a bit snarky with the judge over the plea deal.
MSU is going to have a mess. Just a matter of how big. And do they try and clean it right the first time or do they half ass it and just make the mess worse...
Michigan State should be removed from the big Ten for this. At least 20 members of the Athletic Department knew about the abuse AND DID NOTHING.
Michigan State should be removed from the big Ten for this. At least 20 members of the Athletic Department knew about the abuse AND DID NOTHING.
I bet ya at least 20 members of Pedo St's athletic dept knew about Sandusky, too. One more school caught and we'll be forced to change the name to the Big Sexual Assault Conference.
MSU AD Mark Hollis is announcing his "retirement" right now. Said no responsibility and was not forced out, but he also said he was made aware in 2026, but there was "nothing he knew could help". and "all his decisions were good".

IMHO, you can tell he's been prepped by an atty on how to respond. Hollis did say, "all his words are being scrutini9zed".

Bad bad situation.
As disgusting as Nassar is, he's only part of the problem at msu. Women are reporting sexual assaults. The AD investigates and comes back with, "oh, they said they didn't do it." Then it's over. No police report. No nothing. Just done.

Spartan Road, if there is such a thing, should look like a bowling alley with all the heads rolling down it.