Aaron White Commits to Iowa

Brasky - "teaching" it and "preaching" it are two totally different concepts. Time will tell. I have a few stories from the recruting world that I'll keep to myself that make me say what I'm saying and make me just a little hesitant about jumping totally on the band wagon and believing what we hope will indeed happen.
Unfortunately, there is not a snowball's chance in hell IOWA will win 10 games this year. My prediction is 8 or fewer. 17-20 wins? Wow...you are really, really, REALLY drinking the coolade. Unfortunately, all's you hear from the new Coach is words like "run", "offense", etc. For those of you who understand bball...DEFENSE is what wins. I have yet to hear that word out of the new guys mouth. Same can be said when he was at Sienna. Again, not trying to be a pessimist...simply being realistic.

True, the Hawkeyes were NOT a good defensive team last year; maybe worse than appearances because one consequence of keeping the ball for 30 seconds every possession was that it helped hold down opponents scoring.

BUT, acknowledging that we should also keep in mind that Iowa lost at least four, more like six to eight games, that we could have won simply because of the lack of any depth...the starters wore down and there was no one to replace them, they got into foul trouble & fouled out when Lickliter had to use them despite the foul totals and the tired bodies inclined to foul more because of fatigue. The guys who were the only alternatives to the non-existent bench--Bawinkel, Brommer, the coach's pint-sized kid--were huge defensive liabilities (though it needs to be mentioned that Brommer continues to learn, and by this summer's PTL play he shows signs of mastering footwork & positoning to be eventually an adequate defender).

The 2010-11 Hawkeyes personnel are at least the equal of the past two years--since to note at the outset four of the five starters are the same, only May & Payne now have a year of experience & are no longer raw freshmen, Gatens is a quicker, trimmer version, and Cole is healthier than anytime since he was a freshman. The only change is Besabe replacing Aaron Fuller, and IMO (with only PTL observation to go on) is that they are pretty much a wash: Fuller was an outstanding rebounder, and was improving steadily as a defender, but with limited offensive skills and little range shooting (a good garbage man, very good on offensive put-backs)--but Besabe will be a stronger offensive contributor right from the start. He is more versatile, bigger, seems quicker, and clearly is much more offensive minded. IMO there is no doubt that he has far more upside than Fuller, even as a rebounder.\

This still doesn't touch yet on the most significant, HUGE difference between Lickliter's last team and McCaffery's first. DEPTH. Nine players instead of five (six when Cougill was healthy enough to play full-out, which was rarely the case--or the few games Brommer played with enough self-confidence to overcome tentativeness toward the end of the season).

First, Cartwright gives the Hawkeyes a competent PG, playing behind Payne who made great progress last year & looked vastly more improved this summer. Second, Marble has been under-valued because of his youth (a year younger than his HS competition); he is not the one-dimensional guy that Bawinkel was, and will be a solid backup to Gatens. Third, Brommer is a year older, is now getting astute post coaching (at last)...and there is a good chance that he can provide 10-15 minutes a game in relief of Cole, Fourth, no one around the Big Ten, or even much of the Iowa fan-base, is aware of just how good a player Zach McCabe is already, and how high is his potential (a reprise of Eric May last season).

Have no hesitation in mentioning that IMO Lickliter knows the game, was a very good teacher...(and not as poor a recruiter as most Hawkeye fans believe--McCabe, Marble, Larson, Brust was a very solid recruiting class for what was really his first group when he had the minimum two years it takes to establish a relationship with HS prospects); but he so lacked people skills that he alienated fans--and most crucially--he aienated some of his own players, lost his team to dissension & disillusionment. That is all the cliched water under the bridge now; but what remains as a crucial residue is that he made Gatens, May, Brommer, Cole, Payne, Cole better at the fundamentals, taught them a lot about how to play the game, left them better prepared to compete at the Big Ten level. All the crap about "style", "uptempo", ad naseum, there is one good reason to expect improvement by the Hawkeyes this season and that is McCaffery has a squad of enough depth and solid hoops preparation. combined with talented newcomers, to make the adjustments he wants to make. And the one most impressive quality that McCaffery brings to Iowa, IAT his tireless work ethic, is that he is one helluva coach...who has proven it by turning around three programs prior to undertaking the rebirth of Hawkeye basketball.

Myself, I'm looking for a minimum of seven/eight OOC wins, five to seven wins in the Big Ten--somewhere close to .500 for the season, eighth or even seventh in the conference (above three or more of Indiana, Michigan, Penn State, Northwestern). A year from now, fourth to sixth in the BT (we catch Minnie, Wisky, maybe Purdue). After that, IF McCaffery can bring the Woodbury-Gesell-Paige trio to Iowa, we will play with any team in the BT not wearing Mich State or Ohio State uniforms...and in a year or two after, who knows...

Obviously, I am very high on the Hawkeyes' hoops future; McCaffery is going to have the men's program close to the same level as Bluder's buch, Hawkeye wrestling and Iowa football (And perhaps the most important single reason will be that Hawkeye basketball will be keeping Iowa kids like Oglesby, Woodbury, Paige, Jok at home...and kids like Gesell and Agua who are their teammates in AAU summer play.
Brasky - "teaching" it and "preaching" it are two totally different concepts. Time will tell. I have a few stories from the recruting world that I'll keep to myself that make me say what I'm saying and make me just a little hesitant about jumping totally on the band wagon and believing what we hope will indeed happen.

Fran taught defense enough at Siena to beat Vanderbilt in 2008 NCAA tourney and Ohio State in 2009 and play Purdue to the final minute last year.

He did not have significantly more talent at Siena than he has at Iowa so with their schedule they should win a majority of their non-conference games and pull a few upsets in the Big Ten. I am predicting 12-15 wins.
The old insider info. Well played.

+1. I certainly don't believe we'll be in 17-20 win range. That would be nothing short of a miracle and Fran would no doubt win COY. However, 8 games seems pretty unrealistic as we've just come off the worst single season in our 100+ year history! NO WAY we win any less games than last year. Lackluster proved he can't coach, otherwise he'd have another job and not be turned down by mediocre programs. It's not hard to see now that he inherited a program that was built by Thad Matta.

I see us in the 12-15 win range, with a few that we shouldn't, on paper, have won. Some seem to be forgetting some things. The cancer is gone. Lil' Lick is no longer coming off the bench for 15 mins a game. We'll no longer play 4 on 5 when Bawinkle is in the game, or 3 on 5 if Lick and Bawinkle are on the floor at the same time. We've yet to see anyone on that team play to their potential. Hell, those guys gave up halfway through the season, and rightfully so. They looked very disinterested in basketball towards the end of the season and obviously weren't having any fun. I think we see a team with renewed energy and life, thus translating to more wins and a MUCH more competitive team.
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Real good post, Tiggerhawk. Depth is crucial and the experience gained last year will pay dividends. We have three All Big Ten Rookies of the year to add to the mix. I can see us getting close to playing 500 ball. Probably a game or two under but there is no way on Earth, we will not win ten games. Stay off the bong before posting, basketballman or you will have to change your name. Smile.
It's all idle speculation, Basketballman. You could be as right as any of us. I personally think this team is going to be better than the sum of it's parts. Even last year, as Tiggerhawk says, we could have won a handful of games with more depth. This year with our hard-gained experience, we have more than a decent chance of winning those games. Loved your take on Aaron White. Good information. He does sound like a good man to have on the team. By the end of the bball season, his and Oglesby's stock will probably rise which would make Fran look even better. I like the way things are progressing. The team and Coach sound confident. Gatens looks like he is having fun playing basketball again. It will still take a while, as you say, but we are on our way.
Dang. Tough crowd. Sorry. I'm stickin to my 8 games. There simply is not that much bigtime talent on this team.

They have 8 very winnable games in the non-conference...I have them winning 9 in the non-conference. Then in the Big Ten, I do not think they will go 0-18. I think they could win at least 3-4 home games, maybe as many as 5-6...which could leave them around 14 wins. That is my top end. Probably more like 13-18 (4-14).
Sports, I am not even going to try and reply to everything you said because it would be a waste of time. As for Tyler Smith, I was saying they need to get an NBA caliber player like him to really move up the conference rankings on a year to year basis. Obviously you need more than one player but getting one stud sure makes it a lot easier to get that second and third, etc. People have every reason to be skeptical after the last 3 years with Lick so don't jump down anyones throats for questioning the same type of recruit that Iowa got with the last regime.

What player has Iowa recruited in the last 3 years that could play 3 positions? I think the answer is probably zero, so right there White has a head start. Don't see your point...again.
Would it be nice to have a "potential" NBA prospect, sure, but does Iowa need one to be highly successful? The answer is no. I am basing that statement on high school ranking only. Kris Benson of Oakland University is considered a lottery pick right now, he played at Detroit Country Day, but is at Oakland, not all players develop at the same pace. If Benson were a highly rated prospect, it is doubtful he would end up at Oakland.
That is what Iowa is trying to find right now, but they also are not afraid to go after anyone, this is a new thing for fans.
White will be fine and Iowa will be fine.