Aaron Fuller, the emergence of a star

Hey Dean, look at the title of this thread.

The only inside information I have for you is three years of history repeating. Once is an event. Two is chance. Three is a trend.

So to post in a thread you have to agree with the title? Try reading my post, I can either agree or disagree with the title, or not even address the title, and take it off topic totally.

Oh just for clarification can we be talking about players transferring Ghost, since it isn't in the title of the thread?
Hey Dean, look at the title of this thread.

The only inside information I have for you is three years of history repeating. Once is an event. Two is chance. Three is a trend.

As the official ambassador of reality to Hawkeye Nation you are a tad bit mis-informed. Yes, players have transferred. They were all Alford recruits. Now don't try and say Peterson and Kelly were Lick recruits, they comitted under Alford. If we have a mass exodus this year then I think Barta needs to take a serious look. If we don't I think huge strides will be made next year with the experience from this team and the addition of the new recruiting class!
Love the way Fuller has asserted himself. Any inside presence at all helps this club immensely.

I have to admit I kept repeating "don't transfer-don't transfer-don't transfer" in my head towards the end of the game. ;)
Fuller is the perfect player for Mr. Davis's O ( or, now, Bo Ryan's O ). The ability to shoot outside, drive, and cut in and post is fun to watch. Now, it will be fun to see if he can continue to do this, especially as he will be higlighted by other teams to stop. One beacon is nice (finally). Is there more?
If anything, the emergence of Fuller will take the heat/opponent's focus/pressure off of Gatens. That's likely the biggest benefit of getting Iowa a 2nd option. Fuller getting going is only going to help Matt.
Agreed on those abilities you mentioned by Fuller. I also love his effort on rebounding, especially on the offensive end. It is something this team really had none of before he was healthy again.
Now, if only Lickliter would adjust his O and stop using the big man screen all the time ( its like helping the opponent with a double team, plus the bigs are so far away from the hoop, they are out of rebounding position and cant post up 22 ft away ), its not freeing anyone up and is instant gum up to movement.
Now that Fuller is healthy it will let Iowa do more things on the offensive side of the ball. There will be a lot less standing around and those 7 offensive rebounds he had last game are something I hope we see a lot more of - that would be awesome. He has a lot of energy out there.
Complain if we win, complain if we lose. Aaron Fuller has 2 good games, and instead of being happy for the kid, you throw in references to players transferring. If this is your reality, I prefer to keep drinking the Koolaid and have some joy in my life.
Complain if we win, complain if we lose. Aaron Fuller has 2 good games, and instead of being happy for the kid, you throw in references to players transferring. If this is your reality, I prefer to keep drinking the Koolaid and have some joy in my life.
I saw Cole and Fuller screen for each other repeatedly in the post. Several times both had good position and the wings were reluctant to throw the entry pass. Sometimes the players have to bear some of the burden for what is happening on the court. You should be able to throw the ball to a post player by the end of 7th grade. Lick shouldn't have to teach these guys some of the fundamentals they sometimes seem to lack. This isn't just a hawkeye thing but Bball in general. Nice hat yesterday Spank.
Of course there is a reason Chosen. Then Clic and the rest of the "FIRE LICK NOW GANG" won't be able to continue complaining about the program and the "system".

I have never said Fire lick now...I just hate the way he makes the team play...Unlike pretty much everyone on this forum I enjoy winning with style.
2 huge games in row for Fuller. Sound familiar? Look for him to get benched the rest of the season. ;)

I don't know that he'll be getting benched for the rest of the season but this seems to be a trend. Fullers playing great right now but who knows if he'll even get his hands on the ball next game. Same thing had happened with Tate, Cole, Coughill, and Palmer during Lickliters' time here.
Complain if we win, complain if we lose. Aaron Fuller has 2 good games, and instead of being happy for the kid, you throw in references to players transferring. If this is your reality, I prefer to keep drinking the Koolaid and have some joy in my life.

I kind of get that, except I have extracted the BB team as a source of joy in my life. It is too unstable. It is like making the Pittsburgh Pirates a source of joy in your life.

For your information, I have now made self importance my source of joy in life, and it is working out just great. I wish you could feel it, but you would have to be me to have that happen, and frankly, you are waaaaay off.

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