A telling quote from Kaz-

All coaches- especially young ones normally move around a bit. It exposes them to coaching styles, techniques and approaches. It also gives them more recruiting ties and coaching connections. At a certain point though many of them stay put. Some move up some don't it is the nature of life.
I took bigger issue with his previous comment about recruiting with a brand on your chest. This comment doesn't bother me. It doesn't matter what career you're talking about, the ability to move around and learn from others is always a good thing. It gives you perspective. Honestly, if his objective is to be a HC someday, it's smart for him to learn other schemes and coaching approaches. Nothing wrong with that. All that said, I still suspect he was helped out the door.
I took bigger issue with his previous comment about recruiting with a brand on your chest. This comment doesn't bother me. It doesn't matter what career you're talking about, the ability to move around and learn from others is always a good thing. It gives you perspective. Honestly, if his objective is to be a HC someday, it's smart for him to learn other schemes and coaching approaches. Nothing wrong with that. All that said, I still suspect he was helped out the door.

agree 100%. And that is why the 'swipes' at Iowa.
Between the ridiculous amount of D-Line attrition on his watch, the underachievement of the defensive line relative to its talent level in '09, and the defensive line's excellent performance without Kaz at the Insight Bowl, I really have no idea why we are still talking about this guy.
Alverez was a defensive coach at Iowa back in the day. So, I think that's what he is referring to...just the fact that he is a coach that was at Iowa at one point that went on to do well after Iowa. And it was actually 3 Rose Bowls that Alverez ended up winning.

the OP says that Kaz sees 'stagnation' so he moved on. I assume he was referring to coaches on KF's staff and a 'dig' at the current program. I just thought Alvarez was not an apples-to-apples comparison. Plenty of folks have left KF's staff and had success - it's not like KF has coaches that no one wants (the argument that none of them leave and find higher success ala several coaches from Fry's first ten years), it's probably more like he has had several coaches who have done very well and appreciate working for him.
the OP says that Kaz sees 'stagnation' so he moved on. I assume he was referring to coaches on KF's staff and a 'dig' at the current program. I just thought Alvarez was not an apples-to-apples comparison. Plenty of folks have left KF's staff and had success - it's not like KF has coaches that no one wants (the argument that none of them leave and find higher success ala several coaches from Fry's first ten years), it's probably more like he has had several coaches who have done very well and appreciate working for him.

Yeah, I agree I don't think it's a relative comparison.

My main issue with the OP is just the fact that he's reading into something that simply isn't there.
I agree. Don't think there's anything sinister here. He studied under Norm Parker who is retiring and will most likely get replaced by a Norm Parker disciple who will run his same schemes. If he has any desire to be a coordinator or a head coach, it is in his best interest to be familiar with more than one philosophy. I think when he says stagnate, he means himself. I wish him luck. No hard feelings from me. It's a good career move.

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