A day with Johnny football

As the days go by I start to think that this kid isn't oblivious to the correlation between stardom and mass media, but rather the fact that he simply doesn't care and feels he is above everything. The downward spiral he's on is far beyond a trainwreck and unfortunately I continue to follow it because I'm curious what will surface in the next few days to "one up" the previous act.
The NCAA and his university have done their best to ignore things for as long as possible and sweep all the little things aside, but the fact is the way he's handled the little things make it all the more clearer that in his eyes he is above everything and simply doesn't care.
I see this getting swept under the rug, since the dealer said he doesn't intend on cooperating with the NCAA. Also, no witnesses seen the exchange of monies.

Probably right, but at what point does the NCAA put their foot down? It's not like they're just sweeping one thing under the rug and then its done with. This kid is constantly breaking rules, or doing things that brings him under the spotlight. At what point does the NCAA have to act because they realize that this blatant disregard for rules is going to continue. At this point, I think it truly has become an issue of Johnnie believing he is above all aurhtority and simply doing things because he thinks he can without any repercussions. At what point does the NCAA shut this kid down?