A Day That Will Live In Infamy


Well-Known Member
We all just lived through the single worst day in Iowa football history.

20 years from now you'll all remember where you were when it happened.

There is no point in denying it.

Connor Cook's goofy dbag face and Dantonio's slimy scowl will haunt Iowa football for all eternity.

Personally, I'll be watching exactly zero seconds of the CFP. Season is over.
Game of inches:

-Stop Cook from getting that extra yard on 4th and 2
-Football doesn't land on a MSU player in the endzone for a pick
-Stop Scott where you hit him on his TD run, instead of letting him fall forward for 3 yards.

When you play in a tight game like that it always comes down to those extra inches, or few extra plays that a team makes.
It sucked, yes, but why is everyone acting like this? ******* look at the bigger picture. 10 yrs from now we will look back in the records and see that 12-1, hopefully 13-1. Winning a good bowl is everything right now.
Great season. We lost clean and gave it a hell of a shot. If you can say you did that, then it's all that matters.

This team is an all timer. This hurt will fade.
It sucked, yes, but why is everyone acting like this? ******* look at the bigger picture. 10 yrs from now we will look back in the records and see that 12-1, hopefully 13-1. Winning a good bowl is everything right now.

Everyone? Not close to it.
Walking out last night amongst thousands of Hawks, I only saw one drunk college kid that had the same tantrum that thunder is having. Everyone else has the ability of perspective.
It's like losing the Super Bowl.

There the is no silver lining. None.
I hated the final outcome but I think this team proved the doubters wrong. That's the silver lining IMO. A couple lucky breaks were really the difference. Iowa was not "schooled" or "exposed" as most predicted. All you had to do was look at Cook's face during the game. I don't think he expected to face a defensive effort like that. The offense played well enough to win but for two costly errors and the end zone interception was really just kind of a fluke. Very impressive effort but, yeah, who the hell wants to lose.
I WOULD love to see what you would look like if you said that to Josey Jewell. Seriously. It would probably be better than the season we just got to experience. And I'd pay serious jack to make it happen.

Josey wears thunder hawk pajamas.
Why don't you go become a fan of another team?

Seriously, you're so dramatic it is pathetic

Its not drama. It's reality.

Do any of you really expect Iowa to ever have this opportunity again?

The crows coming home to roost in the ultimate Bend and then Break megafail is what's pathetic.
Its not drama. It's reality.

Do any of you really expect Iowa to ever have this opportunity again?

The crows coming home to roost in the ultimate Bend and then Break megafail is what's pathetic.

I will ask it again, if you think Iowa is so pathetic, why don't you find another team?

Yes, I do actually think Iowa will have this opportunity, next year actually.

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