A Day That Will Live In Infamy

Yeah, I'm the troll.

9 minutes. 22 plays. Multiple third down conversions.


I don't think you're a troll. But you are being a whinypants.

Yeah, they executed a crazy good drive and it was very tough to watch. Defense gave all they could, just not enough. What's your point? Other than acting like a spoiled child.
Its not drama. It's reality.

Do any of you really expect Iowa to ever have this opportunity again?

The crows coming home to roost in the ultimate Bend and then Break megafail is what's pathetic.

How can you claim that Iowa will never have this opportunity again AFTER THIS YEAR? Did you ever dream in your wildest dreams we would be in that game last night coming into this year?
I don't think you're a troll. But you are being a whinypants.

Yeah, they executed a crazy good drive and it was very tough to watch. Defense gave all they could, just not enough. What's your point? Other than acting like a spoiled child.

We've been watching this bulls41t defensive philosophy for years. It's cost us many games...just none as big as this one. Hoping your opponent screws up isn't exactly the hallmark of an aggressive dominating D
We've been watching this bulls41t defensive philosophy for years. It's cost us many games...just none as big as this one. Hoping your opponent screws up isn't exactly the hallmark of an aggressive dominating D

You sound like cowherd, only less reasoned.

I think you put a lot of money on MSU since you expected a blowout. Probably pi$$ed that Iowa had a chance
I hated the final outcome but I think this team proved the doubters wrong. That's the silver lining IMO. A couple lucky breaks were really the difference. Iowa was not "schooled" or "exposed" as most predicted. All you had to do was look at Cook's face during the game. I don't think he expected to face a defensive effort like that. The offense played well enough to win but for two costly errors and the end zone interception was really just kind of a fluke. Very impressive effort but, yeah, who the hell wants to lose.

I totally agree, even one of the Hawks biggest doubters, Paul Fienbaum tweeted out last night he was impressed with the Hawks effort. Still a lot to play for as I believe the playoff committee will rank the Hawks 1 spot ahead of OSU thus putting the Hawks in the Rose bowl giving the Hawks the opportunity to do something Hayden Fry never accomplished in his career, and that is win the Rose bowl! Lots too look forward to next year as well as a number of Hawks will be returning and they will be in the hunt for another Big Ten Championship! Brighter days are ahead Hawk fans! GO HAWKS! WIN THE ROSE BOWL!
rwtsracefan(Dan Wemett)
You sound like cowherd, only less reasoned.

I think you put a lot of money on MSU since you expected a blowout. Probably pi$$ed that Iowa had a chance

I ****** that we lost to a classless collection of dbags and shouldn't have.
Game of inches:

-Stop Cook from getting that extra yard on 4th and 2
-Football doesn't land on a MSU player in the endzone for a pick
-Stop Scott where you hit him on half of his carries on the final drive, instead of letting him fall forward for 3 yards.

When you play in a tight game like that it always comes down to those extra inches, or few extra plays that a team makes.

The only day that will live in infamy is the day before the game against the Bucks in '91 when the physics students were gunned down. That was a real tragedy. Last night was just a football game.

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