96 team NCAA Tourney "Done Deal"

At least this gives Iowa a better shot at the post season!! And at this point if Iowa is the 96th team, then so be it. Isn't a post-season berth what we all want???
Well if thats the case then does lick need to make the NCAA tournament next year to save his job?
BTW: Does anyone else see some hypocrypsie here? On the surface the NCAA DISDAINS gambling, yet they enlarge dramtically the first or second most betted upon (the super bowl might be bigger?) event in the US.

I wonder how much the "sports gambling lobby" had to do with this.
The NCAA is poised to learn what the National Baseball Congress learned - more isn't always better. IMHO, pushing to nearly 100 teams is not a wise move. There will be some very, very mediocre teams in the tourney.
It's all about the money, moeny fellas. Why take something so good and make a joke out of it. It's like the NFL pondering an 18 game regular season, just dumb.
I think it is a good idea. It is the only time of the year that most people pay attention to basketball, so why not prolong it another week? The tournament is already half full of teams who suck anyways, this will make it better by giving us more games between big conference schools in the early rounds, instead of stupid games involving directional state schools from the alphabet soup conference.
I had seen somewhere or heard on the radio that this is basically a ploy by several NCAA basketball coaches in order to secure their jobs. I believe that Boeheim from Syracuse is spearheading it.

What I had heard...which makes sense...is that basketball coaches want as many teams in the tourney so that they can bolster their resumes with tournament appearances as though they are just as valuable as they once were when the tournament meant something. Just like the way that 20 win seasons are now treated in CBB...they play more games and more teams get to 20 wins and many people still think that is some magical number.

This is the same reason why I don't get overly excited about the mythical 10 win season in CFB. Don't get me wrong...I love it when the Hawks win football games...but there is something about 10 win seasons that a lot of people hold on a pedestal...when it just isn't the same as it once was.
The extra 31 teams added have no chance of winning the tournament, so why add them? Its like a 6-6 team going to a bowl game, they don't deserve to go to the postseason
I agree, Spanky. What is the point? It's obviously all about money. This is so freaking aggravating. The NCAA could make a lot of money by doing the obvious thing in football, and instead they decide to dilute nature's most perfect sporting event by making the regular season virtually meaningless. I think it sucks out loud.

And yet, there will still be "bubble" teams kvetching (I'd like to see your software catch up to that term, Miller!) about being "left out." Sheesh.
A step toward making the regular season even more meaningless in college bb.
Only positive is that it will make the contrast between college bb and college fb regular seasons even more stark and hopefully makit it clear that a playoff in college fb is the road to ruination of the sport.

And yes, if this happens for next year, instead of lick needing to make the NIT, he will then be required to make the NCAA to retain his job. Same criteria...be in the top 96 either way.
Nice to see that we can get 96 basketball teams into a tournament, but we can't get 8 football teams into one because "it's just not doable"...
WTF. Now we can see a bunch of teams with 17-13 records playing in the new "first round". Sweet. Yawn...

Of course, now teams 97 and 98 will cry about having gotten snubbed by the selection committee.

The NCAA Tournament is fine the way it is. Leave it alone!
How would a 96 team playoff work? Would there be a bye for certain team? Because when you get to what is now known as the Final Four, you'd have 6 teams...each bracket contains 16 teams. Other than the play-in game, each team has to win the same number of games to win a title in the tournament now...I'd hate to see that change.

Am I overthinking this?

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