7 - 5


Well-Known Member
7-5 is the perfect metaphor for the Ferentz years.

7-5... hey it's a winning record, don't complain. If you do... your expectations are unrealistic.

But in the 7 wins... are usually 2-4 wins against weak teams. And in the 5... there's usually a loss against a team that we should have beaten. And for every great win... there's at least one embarrassing loss to a team we should have put away by halftime.

7-5... slightly above average, one game above .500, just enough to keep your job. And at this point, Ferentz is 100-71 at Iowa...do the math, it's a .584 winning percentage.


In a word: Mediocrity.
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7-5 is the perfect metaphor for the Ferentz years.

7-5... hey it's a winning record, don't complain. If you do... your expectations are unrealistic.

But in the 7 wins... are usually 2-4 wins against weak teams. And in the 5... there's usually a loss against a team that we should have beaten. And for every great win... there's at least one embarrassing loss to a team we should have put away by halftime.

7-5... slightly above average, one game above .500, just enough to keep your job. And at this point, Ferentz is 100-71 at Iowa...do the math, it's a .584 winning percentage.


In a word: Mediocrity.

When UNI, ISU, CMU, EIU, Arkansas State, Indiana, (lately Purdue), goofers and others are on the schedule, 7-5 is not mediocrity. 8-4 is mediocre.
Hosts on KOZN in Omaha (Huskers) have wondered why Iowa fans put up with Iowa's mediocrity, and why KF hasn't been on a hot seat.

Iowa fans accept mediocrity. Iowa fans accept going to a bowl game about every year. Iowa fans accept that Iowa will never win a national championship.

"At least we're not Auburn."
just a matter of consistsent execution you know.

regarding the radio in Omaha, nice juvinile move - blaming the fan base for the head coach. Kirk Ferentz wasn't elected by propular acclaim.
I just give those other team all the credit in the world for playing their hearts out. We just haven't executed very well and need to review the tape and get back o work.
lets see Iowa lose what was it 12, 13 or 14 players to Rhabdo, Iowa is not deep enough to survive at a high level that type of hit. in 2010 Iowa was replacing 3 NFL picks off the DL
again Iowa is not stock piled to take that type of hit and maintain a high level of competition
aftere years of getting 12-14 2*'s per year Iowa can only do so much and when injuries or a multitude of defection occur a couple of bad years are going to happen..
Iowa is not a Alabama that over signs and gets top recruiting classes year after year, in 2008 and 2009 the recruiting classes were rated 63rd and 53rd these are your 4TH and 5th year players. in 2009 the class was rated 49th with 2 4* players in Davis and Wegher, Wegher is gone, who know how much of difference he would have made as a SR has he did pretty good job as a FR.. Coker as a jr this year would have been a big help to this team. Reiff if he had stayed would have anchored the LT SPOT THIS YEAR..
Iowa has never been a loaded team that just reloaded year after year, what saved them was KF'S ability to identify talent and develope that talent the Rhabdo incident knocked off that pace of developing talent.
the problem is not the team nor is it the Coaches fault the Fault lies with the fans with their bloated sense of entitlement and overbloated judgement of just how good the talent is/was
7-5 is the perfect metaphor for the Ferentz years.

7-5... hey it's a winning record, don't complain. If you do... your expectations are unrealistic.

But in the 7 wins... are usually 2-4 wins against weak teams. And in the 5... there's usually a loss against a team that we should have beaten. And for every great win... there's at least one embarrassing loss to a team we should have put away by halftime.

7-5... slightly above average, one game above .500, just enough to keep your job. And at this point, Ferentz is 100-71 at Iowa...do the math, it's a .584 winning percentage.


In a word: Mediocrity.


7-5 is the perfect metaphor for the Ferentz years.

7-5... hey it's a winning record, don't complain. If you do... your expectations are unrealistic.

But in the 7 wins... are usually 2-4 wins against weak teams. And in the 5... there's usually a loss against a team that we should have beaten. And for every great win... there's at least one embarrassing loss to a team we should have put away by halftime.

7-5... slightly above average, one game above .500, just enough to keep your job. And at this point, Ferentz is 100-71 at Iowa...do the math, it's a .584 winning percentage.


In a word: Mediocrity.

Are the last few years starting to remind you of any other coach's tenure? "Winning seasons", losses to teams you shouldn't lose to, playing to the level of your competition, etc. etc.


Are the last few years starting to remind you of any other coach's tenure? "Winning seasons", losses to teams you shouldn't lose to, playing to the level of your competition, etc. etc.



Its mostly just reminds me of all of Kirks other mediocre seasons where hes lost to northwester and ISU.