2024 College Football Survival Pool

I thought I was a goner for sure, but Boise State nutted up.

The score was about where I thought it would be but when Boise State fell behind in the fourth quarter I was thinking “this is what I was talking about”. When Boise took the lead again I knew they would go on to win the game easily.,
I thought I was a goner for sure, but Boise State nutted up.

Odds on Boise State next week? Is the game against #3 Oregon at Boise? Oregon looked like Iowa did the first half of their game.

Mixed feelings about the LSU vrs USC game. My in-laws (or as I like to call them out-laws) are big LSU fans and my wife cheers for LSU except when they play IOWA (she knows better). Any way USC winning adds more support for the new B1G getting four teams to the playoff. Then again this means someone in the B1G is going to have to beat USC two or three times to improve Iowa’s chances.

For now the big game is against Iowa State. ISU at this point is projected as a playoff contender and those odds increase with a win against IOWA.

Get past the clowns and we should be favored in all games up to the Ohio State game.

Let’s not put the buggy before the horse however. Got to get past the clowns first. They would luv to piss on our parade and they have as much to play for as we do.

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