I will take this as good news although those numbers clearly reflect tickets sold, not attendance.
I plan on making a few games. I have been spending so much time going to theatres and symphonies, and ballets, that I told my wife that she is going to have to start going to games with me.
Up 21%
Game 2011-2012 2012-2013
1 12,987 14,859
2 8,891 10,578
3 9,666 10,704
4 10,501 11,852
5 9,904 12,628
6 10,449 11,269
7 10,399 15,172
8 10,479 12,158
9 9,382 13,060
TOTAL 92,658 112,280
Sellouts are only 15,400 since they renovated CHA.
A 17% drop in attendance from the IU game to the MSU game?
Does this factor into our being back or not?