No joke disgusting that people are willing to.throw this season away....How about we worry about this season fair weather herby. And I would be surprised based on the limited amount I have seen and from what Fran has said about him if J Oggey isn't starting next year.
We got it. You're the greatest fan ever and only your opinion counts.Jesus,give it a this point I trust Fran more than i do a few internet expert posters;
i just posted this to get people like you, your attention, that things are on the upswing
Who the hell are you to tell people what kind of fan they should be.?just tired of people stating things as fact, i have no problem with opinions. just have no time for people that state he won't play a certain position as if it was a fact, also with that roster him being called on to play 3 positions is not as great as it is this year
not to mention the fans that jump off the band wagon when they lose a game then jump back on after a win. either you are on for the long run or just get off and find another team that wins alot more than Iowa at this time and don't come back when this teams starts to win more than they lose
as to using stats, being a statistcal analysis specialist i learned long ago that you can twist stats to prove a point, i can take stats and make a player look like the worst player on the planet, just as easily as use those same stats to make him look like the greatest
in the end stats are for liars, losers and fools, and to a degree thieves
next yrs starting five
gessel pt
ogelsby and marble wings
white/mccabe and woody post
first off the bench: mccabe/white, olaseni, meyer, ingram, simmons
cant wait yr 3 we should be more fun to watch, yr 4 and 5 we will be dancing!!!!
Who is Simmons?
what's hard to follow
stats are used to prove one's point of view
the same stats can be used to shoot holes in sombodies elses use of stats
as i said stats are for losers, liars,fools and theives
really simple to understand
Stats don't really lie if you line up all of your stats and know what stats to use. You do this based on using the best possible stat and understanding sample size.
For example you could try to argue that a .300 hitter is better than a .290 hitter in baseball. I would then tell you batting average is not the best stat to use. It is a stat but you can go deeper by looking at OBP, SLG, OPS, and WOBA to help you paint the true story of who the better hitter is.
People who say stats can line obviously don't work in stats like you claim to. Stats are all based on gathering all the info you can and objectively going through all the stats to paint the best picture. Sample size can hurt any stat but you take that into account too.
You sir are making an excuse for claiming that Marble and May are better shooters than Gatens. Most would look at Gatens larger sample size and work that regressing into comparing him to shooters who don't shoot as often as he does.
i never said stats lie
it is the user of stats that lie
restrict the sample size to info you only want the readers of that info to see lies by ommitting stats
example of this is Wall Street Commodities
they tell you that the oil inventory decreases and gasoline inventory decreases
but fail to tell the previous weeks inventory
not only that but they don't tell how much refineries rate of production went up or down
nor do they tell you if imports of oil increased or decreased,
all these are stats that are important
but by ommitting parts of the stats they can and do manipulate the stats
like i said "IT IS THE USER THAT LIES" not the stats themselves
stats are easy to manipulate to prove ones point