2006 Outback Bowl...


Active Member
Messing around on YouTube again. Found the "Lowlights" of the '06 Outback Bowl.

I am reminded now why I get excited EVERY time Florida loses.

Have we ever heard the real story of the actions taken against the officials? There had to be something. Although somehow, I feel my objections about the C-USA officials may still cause a flag to be throw and a penalty to the Iowa bench, even 4+ years afterwards.

I still smell a Vegas inside job here. There is no way you make that many terrible calls in one game without having the rest of your life already financially planned.

But it has me thinking, is this the biggest screw job in Hawkeye history? Whether by officiating, players, or UFO sightings?

I was at that game and will never forget how mad I was. I actually called home from the stadium to ask what ESPN said about the offside call on the onside kick and my mom was cussing. The first time I'd ever heard her use foul language (she's a second grade teacher for crying out loud!).
Believe the NCAA banned CSUA officials from bowls after they effed up a whole ton of games from that year. I know that the NCAA also makes small conference officials take courses on how to handle big time games with crowds above 15K.

That specific crew was disbanded by CUSA, I do remeber that.
Midnight i had the same feeling. Walking out of that stadium i kept saying he better have been "way over the line" on that call. Called home and it's like Nah, he was on-sides... on my phone surrounded by tons of florida fans and i'm shouting about that.. they were like get over it.
God i still get ****** when I see that. I remember my dad and I took a 3 hour walk on new years day seconds after that game. Will always remember that game, it was a farce.
I made that 4 years ago as part of my mourning process. Herb Grigsby's dad told my brother he'd give him his jersey if Herb got a touchdown. He may have if he and the ref hadn't collided. We missed a field goal the next play...
There have been a lot of games where the refs make a bad call or even an obviously bad call.

And I don't want to get accused of Penn State-like paranoia, but this is the one game where I honestly and truly believe that someone in the South got to the officials and paid for this game.

I know that you can dismiss me as a disgruntled fan, but there were just too many calls that were all one-sided.

The people who say "Yeah, but there's no guarantee we win even if we get the on-side kick" didn't watch the entire game. We wouldn't have been in such a hole without some of those crazy calls, all of which upon review were revealed to be bad.

When the announcers even begin to question the integrity of the officials then you know it's bad.

My personal belief, with no evidence, is that someone associated with Florida wanted to make sure that Urban's first bowl game was a success and that there was no risk of a repeat of the 2003 Outback Bowl that lead to Ron Zook's ouster.
There have been a lot of games where the refs make a bad call or even an obviously bad call.

And I don't want to get accused of Penn State-like paranoia, but this is the one game where I honestly and truly believe that someone in the South got to the officials and paid for this game.

I know that you can dismiss me as a disgruntled fan, but there were just too many calls that were all one-sided.

The people who say "Yeah, but there's no guarantee we win even if we get the on-side kick" didn't watch the entire game. We wouldn't have been in such a hole without some of those crazy calls, all of which upon review were revealed to be bad.

When the announcers even begin to question the integrity of the officials then you know it's bad.

My personal belief, with no evidence, is that someone associated with Florida wanted to make sure that Urban's first bowl game was a success and that there was no risk of a repeat of the 2003 Outback Bowl that lead to Ron Zook's ouster.

At the time I was prepared to chalk this up to just a really poor officiating job by an ill-prepared crew more accustomed to doing mid-majors. But you'd expect those bad calls to go both ways. They didn't in this game.

The more I watch this video and these calls I am convinced there was something on the line somewhere. It is my sincere hope these guys were investigated and banned from ever officiating a football game again at any level -- college, high school, junior varsity, Pop Warner, Pee Wee. What a stinking pile of sh*t.
You know the only thing that makes me think it might have just been ineptitude is the Solomon face mask call. Just no way could anyone think they can explain that one away. You know kind of like when someone comes up with such an outlandish story that you have to believe it because no one would expect you to believe it?
I have never had such an emotional swing. Remember the previous year we had one the Cap bowl on Holloway's catch, so we all were almost expecting the same type of miracle at the end. Then Scott Chandler recovered the onside kick! Emotions were high! Here it comes!
Then the flag comes out very late, voiding the play. We don't recover on the second attempt. I just wanted to drink an entire bottle of booze so I couldn't remember that moment.

I will never forget that game. I had updates coming in on the cell phone, so I knew what was going on. If this had been the 1st bad call it would be different, but I believe it was the 12th. I had smuggled a few cans of "diet apple coke" into the stadium, and one was left over and warm. The ref was standing in the end zone by the Iowa student section after the game listening to the "chorus of boos reigning down" so I chucked the can at him. Unfortunately I missed by a couple yards, but I think he got the point when the can burst on the turf next to him.
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Did you notice that this video has 45,000 hits?
Good job Jimbo! It's important that an attrocity of this magnitude is well documented so there is no denying what happened.
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*Sigh* - That is still painful to watch. If it weren't 0930, on Tuesday, and I wasn't at work I think I'd start drinking.

I agree with some of the other posters, that crew was on the take that day. Too many BS calls not to be. The "game moved too fast" excuse was horrible.
I have never had such an emotional swing. Remember the previous year we had one the Cap bowl on Holloway's catch, so we all were almost expecting the same type of miracle at the end. Then Scott Chandler recovered the onside kick! Emotions were high! Here it comes!
Then the flag comes out very late, voiding the play. We don't recover on the second attempt. I just wanted to drink an entire bottle of booze so I couldn't remember that moment.

I will never forget that game. I had updates coming in on the cell phone, so I knew what was going on. If this had been the 1st bad call it would be different, but I believe it was the 12th. I had smuggled a few cans of "diet apple coke" into the stadium, and one was left over and warm. The ref was standing in the end zone by the Iowa student section after the game listening to the "chorus of boos reigning down" so I chucked the can at him. Unfortunately I missed by a couple yards, but I think he got the point when the can burst on the turf next to him.

As poor (putting it mildly) as the officiating was, there is never an excuse to chuck an object -- particularly a full can of beverage -- at anyone, including the officiating crew. The injury he (or anyone else you might have hit) could have suffered and the legal trouble you could have found yourself in makes this abomination of officiating very minor in comparison.
I too chuck a beverage that game, but it was at TV in my man cave!
My kids still talk about how much swearing they heard after that game!
Kept newspaper article for 3 years, finally tossed out last year! No more bad Kharma for hawks!
I happened upon that you tube just yesterday...watched a bunch of old ones...TD #6, now there's some serious speed we could use (but that's a whole diff set of threads)...I cannot believe how blatantly poor those calls were. What was the officiating ramifications on that crew after that (if any)? Now that a few years have passed, have those same refs been involved in any other similar situations since (or before)? Is there a way to track that type of info down? That was then...but what if it were to happen to us again this year...is there any new oversight watchdog ref rules in place?

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