2 MSU tickets for sale

That's a relatively high corner/endzone seat. You could find something half as cheap and two times better outside the stadium before the game, especially coming out of a loss.
I just bought 4 tix together on the 20 yd line for 75/ticket. Whoever paid 100 is clueless. Buy them outside the stadium before the game.
The phenomenon of people commenting of the selling of tickets on this board is something I have never seen before. Does it make people feel better to comment that they think a ticket priced is too high? I don't get it. However, instead of putting my tickets up here, from now on I am just going to use Craigslist, which took all of about 1 hour to sell these. This is too bad because I have regularly sold my unused season tickets at a loss on this board due to the "donation" price I pay per seat along with parking passes, etc. This year, I have been able to basically break even. That being said, trying to get them in the hands of Iowa fans is not worth the petty commentary going on over here.
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The phenomemon of people commenting of the selling of tickets on this board is something I have never seen before. Does it make people feel better to comment that they think a ticket priced is too high? I don't get it. However, instead of putting my tickets up here, from now on I am just going to use Craigslist, which took all of about 1 hour to sell these. This is too bad because I have regularly sold my unused season tickets at a loss on this board due to the "donation" price I pay per seat along with parking passes, etc. This year, I have been able to basically break even. That being said, trying to get them in the hands of Iowa fans is not worth the petty commentary going on over here.

I couldn't agree more.
This is a message board. If you post something, and people disagree with it, it's the nature of the site to comment on it. Otherwise you would have a board full of people posting an opinion and nothing but "yep"s and "couldn't agree more"s as replies.

Congrats on your selling them at $100 per. If I do the math right here, you have 2 season tickets ($350 each) in a section that is $50 per seat donation. So that totals to $800 total for both season tickets, or roughly $57 per ticket for each game. I have no problem with you selling your tickets at the highest price you can get (thats the American Dream), just don't try to play it off as "I am basically breaking even with my donation" and don't complain when people disagree with your price.
I don't see any comments that are out of line in this thread.

Grow thicker skin.

Heck, I was crediting you for getting a good deal. Chill out.
This is a message board. If you post something, and people disagree with it, it's the nature of the site to comment on it. Otherwise you would have a board full of people posting an opinion and nothing but "yep"s and "couldn't agree more"s as replies.

Congrats on your selling them at $100 per. If I do the math right here, you have 2 season tickets ($350 each) in a section that is $50 per seat donation. So that totals to $800 total for both season tickets, or roughly $57 per ticket for each game. I have no problem with you selling your tickets at the highest price you can get (thats the American Dream), just don't try to play it off as "I am basically breaking even with my donation" and don't complain when people disagree with your price.

Thanks for pointing out your ignorance seeing as you seem oblivious to the fact that a parking pass exceeds the price of the tickets. So, then yes, I lose money on the whole deal and really don't come close to breaking even. The plan was not for me to do a complete audit on my Iowa football expenditure, but thanks for getting me to do so.

My guess is you are the guy that attends a party and brings nothing. Please try and lighten up a little. Life is too short to troll message boards looking to comment on everything including the price of a ticket, located in the ticket forum. My guess is very few tickets will be offered on here in the future. Too bad.
Wow, so I say congrats on getting as much as you could out of them, but comment on you stating that you are just trying to break even, and all of a sudden I am a troll looking to comment on everything.... if thats how you take it, then whatever I guess.... your initial post just said $100 for the tickets, and I guess I missed the part where there were parking passes included, my bad on that. Sadly, your price has been one of the lowest prices posted on here (I still wouldn't pay the amount, but thats just me).
Wow, so I say congrats on getting as much as you could out of them, but comment on you stating that you are just trying to break even, and all of a sudden I am a troll looking to comment on everything.... if thats how you take it, then whatever I guess.... your initial post just said $100 for the tickets, and I guess I missed the part where there were parking passes included, my bad on that. Sadly, your price has been one of the lowest prices posted on here (I still wouldn't pay the amount, but thats just me).

Wonderful. I still don't understand the need to comment on someone selling their tickets. You don't want them? Great. Why not just move on rather than post some snide remark. Its not just you, I have noticed others doing it as well. Seems kind of counter-productive to a ticket board seeing as how people don't want to put up with that. What if you were selling your residence and I decided to come to the open house and sit on your porch and tell all the perspective buyers that the place was a dump? Fairly d-bag behavior correct? Same difference here. The market dictates price and seeing as mine went like glow sticks at a rave, I undersold. The point is, mind your business.
What if you were selling your residence and I decided to come to the open house and sit on your porch and tell all the perspective buyers that the place was a dump? Fairly d-bag behavior correct? Same difference here. The market dictates price and seeing as mine went like glow sticks at a rave, I undersold. The point is, mind your business.

That's a terrible analogy. They might not be the best tickets in the place, but is there really a bad seat in Kinnick? A more apt analogy, to borrow yours, would be to sit on the front porch at IHawks house and tell perspective buyers that his house was overpriced, and that a similar house down the block sold for much less. If buyers really want that house, regardless of how much they have to pay, they'll pay it. Same thing here...
That's a terrible analogy. They might not be the best tickets in the place, but is there really a bad seat in Kinnick? A more apt analogy, to borrow yours, would be to sit on the front porch at IHawks house and tell perspective buyers that his house was overpriced, and that a similar house down the block sold for much less. If buyers really want that house, regardless of how much they have to pay, they'll pay it. Same thing here...

Are you the type of person that complains about everything, seems like it.

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