2 MSU tickets for sale

i see what point you are trying to make, but you have to remember that this is the internet, and people love to hide behind their computer screens and anonymous words. I didn't comment on your price before you sold your tickets, and I never do to anyones posts for selling tickets. I was merely commenting on you taking offense to people posting about your price. And your example about a house for sale isn't exactly the same thing, no one talked about your seats being horrible or your tickets being fake, they just stated they thought they were overpriced. To take your example, if I took a house valued at $150,000 and listed it at $200,000, I wouldn't take offense to someone saying they thought it was worth less or sending me a counter offer, thats just part of the selling process. Also, if I were buying something from a public board, and someone thought I could get a better price on it, I would hope that they pipe up. I may not take their advice on it, but at least its something good to know. Obviously there was nothing wrong with your price as you said you were able to sell them quickly on Craigslist so I don't see what the big deal is. You don't like it when people comment on what price you are trying to sell at, I see no problem with people stating they think its over-priced (even if its not). I guess we just have to agree to disagree on this one.
Are you the type of person that complains about everything, seems like it.

Please enlighten me, as I'm not sure what you are talking about. I complained much earlier this season about the ticket prices in this thread, but have since stayed away. "Terrible" may have been a strong word for his analogy, but "erroneous" fits just as well.
i see what point you are trying to make, but you have to remember that this is the internet, and people love to hide behind their computer screens and anonymous words. I didn't comment on your price before you sold your tickets, and I never do to anyones posts for selling tickets. I was merely commenting on you taking offense to people posting about your price. And your example about a house for sale isn't exactly the same thing, no one talked about your seats being horrible or your tickets being fake, they just stated they thought they were overpriced. To take your example, if I took a house valued at $150,000 and listed it at $200,000, I wouldn't take offense to someone saying they thought it was worth less or sending me a counter offer, thats just part of the selling process. Also, if I were buying something from a public board, and someone thought I could get a better price on it, I would hope that they pipe up. I may not take their advice on it, but at least its something good to know. Obviously there was nothing wrong with your price as you said you were able to sell them quickly on Craigslist so I don't see what the big deal is. You don't like it when people comment on what price you are trying to sell at, I see no problem with people stating they think its over-priced (even if its not). I guess we just have to agree to disagree on this one.

If someone isn't interested in the tickets, just ignore, but to post something like "you'll never get that for those tickets, or what a rip-off" do you really think someone is going to buy them? The ticket exchange is there for a reason, to get rid of tickets, not to rag on the guy for his asking price. He got his sold, and so did I last week, but we didn't sell them here and the reason is in this thread. Just my two cents.
Please enlighten me, as I'm not sure what you are talking about. I complained much earlier this season about the ticket prices in this thread, but have since stayed away. "Terrible" may have been a strong word for his analogy, but "erroneous" fits just as well.

Real simple to me I guess, and maybe I'm wrong. If you aren't interested in the tickets, don't reply to the thread. Why ruin the guys chances of getting rid of them cause you think his asking price is too high?
If you are trying to sell them to avoid "taking a loss" maybe you can't afford them in the first place.

The phenomenon of people commenting of the selling of tickets on this board is something I have never seen before. Does it make people feel better to comment that they think a ticket priced is too high? I don't get it. However, instead of putting my tickets up here, from now on I am just going to use Craigslist, which took all of about 1 hour to sell these. This is too bad because I have regularly sold my unused season tickets at a loss on this board due to the "donation" price I pay per seat along with parking passes, etc. This year, I have been able to basically break even. That being said, trying to get them in the hands of Iowa fans is not worth the petty commentary going on over here.
If paying for a parking pass and season tickets qualify as major expenditures for you you probably shouldn't be attending the game in the first place.
Dude thats way too much money for those seats.

.... hmmmm... what else... feels like I'm forgetting something....

Ohh yeah, Deace is a liar.
If you are trying to sell them to avoid "taking a loss" maybe you can't afford them in the first place.

You are right, I am buying hawkeye football tickets, bowl tickets and 1F parking passes at the expense of food on the table and clothes on the wife and child's backs. I need to have my head examined.

This is one of the dumbest statements I have ever read on the internets, and that is saying something. I guess people should never sell anything they are not using? I believe this solidifies either the fact that this person is (1) 8 yrs old or (2) Not a the sharpest knife in the drawer.
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If someone isn't interested in the tickets, just ignore, but to post something like "you'll never get that for those tickets, or what a rip-off" do you really think someone is going to buy them? The ticket exchange is there for a reason, to get rid of tickets, not to rag on the guy for his asking price. He got his sold, and so did I last week, but we didn't sell them here and the reason is in this thread. Just my two cents.

I didn't comment on his price before he sold them, but I have no problem with people who did. I don't think that his price is unreasonable (after I realized it included a parking pass in the ticket price), but if I was new to buying hawkeye tickets and had no idea what to expect to pay, I would hope someone would tell me if I were about to grossly overpay. I don't see whats so wrong with others letting a potential buyer know that there are other, possibly cheaper, options out there. If the seller is truly selling his tickets at a fair price compared to the market he has nothing to worry about. I don't think the point of the ticket exchange board is to come on here and post the highest price possible and not expect anyone to compare it to other similiar tickets (again, not saying that is what the OP was doing in selling his).
Real simple to me I guess, and maybe I'm wrong. If you aren't interested in the tickets, don't reply to the thread. Why ruin the guys chances of getting rid of them cause you think his asking price is too high?

I wasn't really doing any damage to the tickets selling because they are already sold. Heck, my comment really wasn't about the tickets so much as it was the analogy...
If paying for a parking pass and season tickets qualify as major expenditures for you you probably shouldn't be attending the game in the first place.

So ur saying that people saving up money for a year just to buy season tickets and a parking pass, like myself, because it IS a major expenditure, that i shouldnt be going to the game. Excuse me for not having a ton of money and that purchasing 2 season tickets and parking passes and spending over 1000 on something IS a major expenditure. Guess im not as good of a fan as you and i shouldnt be attending the games.
I would suggest selling your tickets on Stub Hub. There is a reason why people will pay a premium for tickets and not risk the chance on trying to buy them on game day regardless of saving $25 per ticket. There is a price that people will pay to have tickets in hand for an event that they want to go to, especially if they can't just drive home if they don't find tickets in their price range outside the stadium. Unlike some people I go to Kinnick stadium to watch the Iowa Hawkeyes, it really doesn't matter to me who they are playing, nor do I base my season ticket purchase on their home schedule. I got more money selling some extra tickets on Stub Hub for Ball State then I did with the tickets I sold from a post on this site.
Thanks for pointing out your ignorance seeing as you seem oblivious to the fact that a parking pass exceeds the price of the tickets. So, then yes, I lose money on the whole deal and really don't come close to breaking even. The plan was not for me to do a complete audit on my Iowa football expenditure, but thanks for getting me to do so.

My guess is you are the guy that attends a party and brings nothing. Please try and lighten up a little. Life is too short to troll message boards looking to comment on everything including the price of a ticket, located in the ticket forum. My guess is very few tickets will be offered on here in the future. Too bad.

Wow. You sound like someone who would be a real joy to sit next to at a football game.

Wonderful. I still don't understand the need to comment on someone selling their tickets. You don't want them? Great. Why not just move on rather than post some snide remark. Its not just you, I have noticed others doing it as well. Seems kind of counter-productive to a ticket board seeing as how people don't want to put up with that. What if you were selling your residence and I decided to come to the open house and sit on your porch and tell all the perspective buyers that the place was a dump? Fairly d-bag behavior correct? Same difference here. The market dictates price and seeing as mine went like glow sticks at a rave, I undersold. The point is, mind your business.

So, despite knowing what might happen, you still posted it here? Interesting.
Cheapest seats on stubhub are at $120 EACH.

Don't bother selling here if people are going to criticize the price.
Sell on Stubhub and make more money. Don't have to worry about a buyer backing out, either.
people are willing to pay more to avoid the hassle of buying on gameday. i see no problem with that.