#14 Iowa at #1 Notre Dame Game Thread 11/29 6:00

Been a huge backer of this team but I'm done! Not going to waste any more money going to the games ar wasting my time watching!!!!!
Lisa needs to be shown the door!!!
She's like Kirk, been around for 20 some years. Average coach, get's wins here and there, beats teams she should, not many conference titles, no Final 4's, recruits average players, nice person, clean program....but keeps her job year in and year out for being an average program.
Ok I had to go get a HUGE glass of ice after that. We have a weak leader therefore the team pretty much is weak. There's 3 players that actually act like they want to play. Megan, Tania and Kathleen. 1 of those isn't able to play at the moment. We did get hosed by the zebras but did you once see Lisa in the zebras face bitching about it? Almost every coach in the country would of been going out of their head screaming at them. Nope not Lisa. The Hawks look like they are half scared to make a pass. Megan was open a lot and they kept hesitating getting her the ball. There's NO confidence in this team what so ever. If Hannah doesn't want to shoot the ball or rebound fine. Put somebody else in. I don't give a rats ass if they are a freshman it sure couldn't be any worse then giving up 10 offensive rebounds in the FIRST QUARTER!!!!!!!! Lexie has no business playing in big time games. Anybody that dribbles the ball standing erect and pounds it on the floor with 1000lbs. of pressure is just asking for a turn over. One out of every 10 games Lexie might make several 3's but then again there's players on the bench that could give it a try also that has better gurading skills. When you keep getting sucked under the basket that should be a big heads up to SUBSTITUTE!!! Amanda is a rebounding magnet so why not give her a go at Hannah's spot. Hell yet again we a player sitting on the bench that would give it a heck of a go. I bet she'd even shoot the ball when she's open! I'm not saying to play the freshmen all the time but what the hell is their to lose? NOTHING!!!! Several of these kids on the bench can shoot 3's. If the starters aren't getting it done......well what's it going to hurt?????? Afraid you might lose by 40? Hahaha. This team looked like the football team running to the short side of the field on every play. For crying out loud Lisa! This is the 3rd. straight game they've played horrible! SOMRTHING isn't working so what you going to do about it? Why is it that the Hawks can't rebound? Do you know? Guess not or it would be fixed! Terrible shooters. Do you really work on shooting? I mean we plain suck shooting. It's basketball and I don't understand why people won't shoot when open or pass to the open post. This team is weak period! Megan I'm sorry nobody can get you the ball. Can anybody tell me how many screens were set to get a shooter open? I still say it' d be worth getting tossed than to just stand there and watch them sucker punch you over and over again. sheeesh what a pathetic showing. I bet recruits are knocking the door down to come play for Iowa about now. Lisa you better start letting Jan run the show for awhile and step back and learn something. Jenni you need to move on because your perimeter players suck just as bad as they did last year. Good grief that was awful.

P.S. Tania when your hitting threes don.t stop shooting them. I don't care if you hog the ball. I'll have to think about showing up for the cupcake game Sunday. Guess I'll go get another glass of ice. Seems to be helping @#$%^&* @#$%^&!