100 Squat workout

Don't load up too much weight on the squat rack...

Dibona said it was "timed". I took this to mean that it was a test and you do 100 as fast as you can.

That's probably not the way it it was done. My guess based on having seen my kid's HS team do these kind of tests in the weight room is that it was ten sets of ten reps with a very short timed rest period between each set.
That's probably not the way it it was done. My guess based on having seen my kid's HS team do these kind of tests in the weight room is that it was ten sets of ten reps with a very short timed rest period between each set.

that was my assumption as well.
Is that shithole still open? Haven't been there in years, back when it could've just been named "Tweekers n Skanks"...

Sadly, yes, it is open. Haven't been there in probably 5 years but I saw an ad somewhere that they were hiring. I just wanted to make sure you had a spotter for your heavy lifting.
I was wondering if a person could do the workout in their recliner while drinking beer and eating hot tamales. Then I saw the picture on page 3 and about puked up both. Dang near choked to death. As a good friend of mine would say, "That ain't right man!"
I joined a "Power"'class at our health club a couple of years ago. It's kind of like lifting weights to disco music. It included five minutes of squats and lunges while pumping a barbell for 5 minted at a time and then switching to another body part. This went on for 60 minutes. My legs were jello and I struggled to walk up the stairs to get out of the gym. The day after I was sore. Day 2...I was stiffer than the tin man standing in a field of poppies during a snowstorm!!
But still kidneys worked just fine. Too fine. I wished I had one of those highboy toilets. It was a killer to sit down!!
I joined a "Power"'class at our health club a couple of years ago. It's kind of like lifting weights to disco music. It included five minutes of squats and lunges while pumping a barbell for 5 minted at a time and then switching to another body part. This went on for 60 minutes. My legs were jello and I struggled to walk up the stairs to get out of the gym. The day after I was sore. Day 2...I was stiffer than the tin man standing in a field of poppies during a snowstorm!!
But still kidneys worked just fine. Too fine. I wished I had one of those highboy toilets. It was a killer to sit down!!

Every spring when I start serious summer mountain climbing training I can't walk down stairs for several days after the first intense training session. Getting out of bed is a biatch too.

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