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  1. B

    Hadn't looked at RPI for a bit...

    fact is, if we don't get jimmy chipwood playing ball we dont stand a prayer
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    Can Martinez Lead NE?

    I agree that Martinez compares more to Robinson. However, looking back at last year the Hawks still gave up over 100 yds rushing to Robinson @ Michigan in only part of the game. I can't remember the quarter, but I know he got knocked out with an injury at some point. Robinson wasn't ever much of...
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    Can Martinez Lead NE?

    I have a roommate that is a NE fan, so I unfortunately had to spend time watching those games this past season. I have to say that I was never too impressed with Martinez against good competition. He put up crazy numbers versus weaker opponents but was injury prone and inaccurate when playing...
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    Worst experience at Jack Trice?

    '06 when the offense couldn't muster a touchdown to save their life. Christensen was throwing ducks left and right. ISU wins with i think 5 field goals in the game and i left the game as time is running out to shouts of "shaggy! shaggy! shaggy!". Just an awful experience.
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    Catholics versus Convicts

    who's coaching the bowl game for miami?
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    Indiana to hire Oklahoma OC as HC?

    Indiana in the top 3 in 3 years? they got penn state, wisconsin, and ohio state in their division. purdue and illinois are both a couple years ahead in their programs, so I definitely can't see that happening even if they get a good hire.
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    Missouri QB Blaine Gabbert & Passing Game

    give Norm a few weeks to prepare for any opponent and I'll give the Hawks the edge. that being said, I'm sure Missouri will be checking out the film of that Northwestern game. is Gabbert mobile at all? I need to be worried on 4th and 10 when he scrambles
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    This is not a great NW team

    Wouldn't it be nice to see Iowa come out with some fire against NU for once? These past few years have been brutal. I don't think Northwestern has ever been a game the Hawks completely overlook, but it just seems like they have lacked a certain motivation in the past. I just hope that this is...
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    Newton Scandals

    From reading about this controversy it's pretty obvious that no matter what the outcome...Newton and his father are pretty classless individuals. I just hope that Heisman voters take notice of this and avoid another Reggie Bush situation.