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  1. D

    Do you approve of the job Kirk Ferentz is doing?

    Yes, I do approve of the job he is doing. I think we have some problems with predictability on offense, but I think that the majority of our issues right now stem from execution problems. There just seems to be a general lack of talent across the board right now. I still think that KF is...
  2. D

    Is this the game "Hawkeye the Dog" makes an appearance?

    I'm hoping that it is a flyover coupled with the cards. I'm also hoping that Hawkeye (dog) is there tonight as that is a truly touching story. I wouldn't mind it if they did a uni change, but for the love of God, don't make it anything overly terrible and a complete deviation from what has...
  3. D

    A couple of top Juniors commit...

    I remember Meeks from years ago. He was in the youth wrestling program while I was in highschool at Roosevelt. that family had a lot of kids and I think that all of them ended up going through that program. I'm happy for the family. It is great that he got a full ride, even if it isn't at Iowa.
  4. D

    CONFIRMED: Robinson Arrested on Marijuana Charges

    Adam was a guy that I loved to watch run. Not because of his skill, he didn't have all that much of it, but because of his heart. That kid never gave up on a play and earned many more yards than he would have gotten otherwise. Unfortunately, he didn't receive equal portion of brains. He was...
  5. D

    Iowa vs Arizona Game Thread

    No, you aren't but you certainly have to understand how on edge the fanbase is right now. It's best to say nothing at all.
  6. D

    Iowa vs Arizona Game Thread

    Whether or not you want to admit it, for an Iowa fan to be down on the team is one thing. For another fan to come on to the Iowa boards and post negativity is another. Simple fact. It would be the same of any Hawk fan who went over to Clownfanatic to post.
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    Iowa vs Arizona Game Thread

    I am truly amazed at the high score in this game. I would figure it to be much, much lower
  8. D

    Iowa vs Arizona Game Thread

    If you phrased your posts to be more analytical and less critical or deriding, there would be no issue. I'm sure it isn't your goal, but just change your wording a bit, or add something constructive to your posts and theis wouldn't be an issue
  9. D

    Iowa vs Arizona Game Thread

    LOL, "Iowa already has national credibility" Yeah, that's why we drop in the polls after wins. We'll see if any of the SEC teams who had trouble with unranked teams drop in the polls.
  10. D

    Iowa vs Arizona Game Thread

    The one thing I have always hated about Norm's defense is how soft we play the short, outside routs.
  11. D

    Iowa vs Arizona Game Thread

    That is one huge man moving off the field. Hopefully that helps us
  12. D

    Iowa vs Arizona Game Thread

    Seriously, the Hawks are gonna put me in the hospital before this game it over
  13. D

    Iowa vs Arizona Game Thread

    . . . .and special teams fails, again
  14. D

    Iowa vs Arizona Game Thread

  15. D

    Iowa vs Arizona Game Thread

    Whew, I don't know about over turning that call, but I'm glad they disagree with me. At any rate, Iowa needs to turn it up and close this game.
  16. D

    Iowa vs Arizona Game Thread

    DJK has had some great grabs! Yes, he has missed a couple, but I wouldn't say that he has had a terrible game thus far.
  17. D

    Iowa vs Arizona Game Thread

    Right there with you. Half way through my 6 pack of Leine's already :confused:
  18. D

    Iowa vs Arizona Game Thread

  19. D

    Iowa vs Arizona Game Thread

    Put the starters in on kickoff coverage for the love of God. We get burned, every time.
  20. D

    Iowa vs Arizona Game Thread
