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    Sounds like RichRod is out

    Is Luck declaring? I know he can, but hadn't heard that he was.
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    Miller: Iowa Regents Throw Tantrum Over Ferentz

    His wife does come from a lot of money. He didn't use any of it to make his money and would still have a ton without her.
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    Miller: Iowa Regents Throw Tantrum Over Ferentz

    He made his money well before the Cubs. I thought I'd heard he made it in the real world.
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    Miller: Iowa Regents Throw Tantrum Over Ferentz

    I believe as president of NBC news he took them from the lowest network ratings to the highest and was one of, if not the, longest standing president. I don't agree with most of what he says and stands for, but he does know business. I know him pretty well and he can be very difficult to get...
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    Paul Rhoads sent Kirk a text asking for some spending $$

    This thread is wildly representative of the Iowa/ISU rivalry. Two class act coaches having some fun with each other and the respective fan bases getting into a slap fight. Can't we all just get along and have some corn together?
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    Who is at home instead of Kinnick today?

    I don't have tickets, but I'll be home. Besides not being able to attend games, the worst part of living far away and in the south is 90+ degree days on gameday. Just doesn't seem right. Most football Saturday's should have some chill in the air. Just my Midwest roots, I guess.
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    8 weeks until kickoff...

    This makes me sad. I haven't been to a game at Kinnick in over 10 years. I did make it to the Iowa/Texas Alamo bowl game, but it's just not the same. Now I'll just live vicariously through this thread.