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    BCS Anchor Sites

    It isn't really "Big time money" for the schools, the majority of them end up paying more money than they get for playing in the bowl. Its big money for the cities I guess, but bigger money for the suits that are in charge, of the BCS, the conferences, the bowls, etc., but not the schools.
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    Painter to Missouri

    nice :D
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    New Adrian Clayborn fan

    Really cool story, hope everything works out for your son. I wish the boards and newspapers were filled with these type of stories, never get tired of reading them...
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    Death to the BCS!

    I understand where you are coming from when you don't agree with the NCAA tournament determining the best team, but I don't agree with you because I think its the best way. Almost every other sport uses a tournament system to determine the champion for that year, from high school up to...
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    Death to the BCS!

    No the point is WHO is pouring the money into the system (the Universities) and WHO is receiving the money from the system (the CEO's and others). I don't think Wetzel has any reason to backpedal on his idea, I think the basketball tournament is a success this year. Would everyone be more...
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    Death to the BCS!

    It's a fantastic book and shows exactly what is wrong with the college football postseason. I hope the Fiesta Bowl investigation causes some kind of shake-up in the current system, it's about time.
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    OT: Izzo loses another player

    I can't help but think that some of the problems the Spartans had this season might stem from Izzo flirting with the Cavs job this last offseason. He talks about wanting "players committed to Spartan basketball" but he didn't show that same commitment then, and that might have hurt team morale...
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    Clayborn: ‘They can’t not have football’

    The people making fun of the comment either hate athletes, hate Iowa, or both. I'm not too worried about it.
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    Brad Stevens

    I hope he stays at Butler. I have a ton of respect for Coach Stevens and love stories of guys who stay loyal and don't chase $$. I know Coach K gets paid plenty but I love it when he scoffs at the question of going to the Lakers. Greed will catch up to you in the end...
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    So How Good Would This Team Be Today?

    I agree with the comments about the '87 team being a better group of basketball players, but I wonder how they would be when they run up against all the contact that is allowed on defense in todays game.
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    Are the technical fouls necessary?

    Where is the "dislike" button? No one on here "knows" anything. Not even myself, I don't know why Fran got the T, whether he was getting it on purpose or not. If someone makes a post on here about the coaching, I think they should have to give their career coaching record and at what level...
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    intentional/flagrant foul revisited

    There is also a rule saying that the offensive player has the right to vertical space, so when Cole was stepping through and had position established with his feet and stood upright with the ball up at his head he was in a space that was rightfully his. If the defender is pressuring the...
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    According to Crean

    I will have to respectfully disagree Mr. McLaughlin. When I look at the hire I do not see it as lateral. Lickliter's resume was built by taking over a Butler program from Thad Motta and continuing that success. McCaffery built a pretty good resume from UNC-Greensboro and Seina, taking teams...
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    Coordinators for next season

    I want to start by saying I hope that both are back. I agree with tm3308 in that KOK is running an offense that he might not be 100% comfortable with and I also have no beef with the job he's doing. I do not think that Norm Chow would be the replacement, mostly because I don't see KF going...
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    Of all our mistakes...

    But we got points off of the turnover so its not a total failure. Going up by 6 and handing the game over to our defense is what we do. Giving up a fake punt on 4th and long around the 25 yard line hurts worse than not coming away with a TD. I think it also gave Wisconsin the momentum shift.
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    Clayborn's reaction after the game

    I don't think our defense looked THAT bad. Wisconsin has a very strong, sound offense. Before the fake punt we had them held to 84 rushing yards... 84!!! We've got two losses, both were games that we coulda/woulda/shoulda won, but they're over, now we have to win and finish as high as we...
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    Of all our mistakes...

    I'm with you knighthawk, the fake punt is where I think we lost that game. We haven't returned a punt this year, barely have had any that aren't fair caught, so why worry about a return. Hold them up and make sure its punted.
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    Paterno, Ditka Lobby to get rid of facemasks

    I don't know if I disagree fully on their comments, they seem to make a little sense. What I've been saying for a while is that if you want to lessen the amount of concussions in college and especially NFL, make them wear equipment that fits them properly and force them to wear mouthpieces...
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    Micah Hyde

    I don't think its "probably"... IT IS! Watch any game on Sunday and you'll see a CB making the same mistake and getting beat. It happens, and they are getting paid millions. We were playing not to lose in the second half of that game and you also have to remember that our D prepared for two...
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    Road to the NC: Style Points and Stats

    Winning games is all that should matter, but unfortunately it is not. I don't like how some schools feel it is important to run up the score, but until there is a playoff some coaches will do what they have to do to get the chance at a NC. At those schools the coach has so much ego that they...