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  1. B

    New unis

    We should get new bball unis for the Fram era. Our current jerseys are absolutely dreadful.
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    What is more idiotic...

    I think Millen and Romo are both dbags. I got to say Ricky doesn't throw the greatest deepball though. early in his career he seemed to overthrow recievers. Now it seems like he's letting the ball hang a little too much. Prob in fear of making the over throw.
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    Josh Pastner

    I am not neccessarily a Calipari guy. In fact I think he is kind of a snake. But, I would absolutley love it if we hire Josh Pastner (former Calipari asst.). The guy can flat out recruit and plays an "exciting" brand of basketball. He is young and energetic. Watching this guy on the sidelines he...
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    throwback game against ball st 1958 unis

    will we be wearing white or yellow pants?
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    Alot of spot opening up in the next few years..

    yep that will happen