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  1. H

    Congrats to Phil Parker!!

    bump Im tired of reading ultimatims put on by hawk fans that have never hired a OC of DC. Get over yourselves and quit typing nonsense. If you dont like the way the program is going than dont go to the games or give any money. Go find something other to do than ***** about something you cant...
  2. H

    Congrats to Phil Parker!!

    JD has some stuff tonight all the negative Nancies should read.
  3. H

    Congrats to Phil Parker!!

    Finally a positive post. Why would you fix something that is not broke.
  4. H


    I always thought his name was kurt. around here they always call him kurt or kf never thought anything different.
  5. H

    Does Kirk have a clue?

    By my math those are kids that are not going to play for one reason or another. The program is built by hard working college kids, kids that want to put in the extra work in the weight room i.e. 39 for the NY Giants. The kids that have been transfering over the last couple of years in my opinion...
  6. H

    ISU fans

    you played the only teams that were left in your conference after they fled for better conferences
  7. H

    Does Kirk have a clue?

    Once again Foval take his time takes the emotion out of the subject and has a great take. I dont have the time nor the ability to look these things up thanks foval for the good info.
  8. H

    If it's Phil Parker, what's your reaction?

    seepig It sounds like you need to move on. I don't know why you think that you are entitled to this kind of info. When KF is ready to make an announcement he will probably let Barta know then have a press conference. At that time you will know, unless Ahawk1 gives vintage his inside info and...
  9. H

    This is an outrage

    I just finished reading Pat Harty's article on HAWK CENTRAL about AJ Derby transfering. Not once did he mention VintageHawkeye or HN for breaking the story yesterday.
  10. H

    Charlie Weiss cleaning house at KU Football

    other than coker this year who are the key "players" that have left? Raymond - personal issues Derby - personal mccall - personal other than Raymond the others were all suspended at one point during the season. At what point do you hold these kids accountable for their actions. It appears to me...
  11. H

    I wonder how AJ Derby is doing?

    'sup Vin, no reason to send a bottle just a six pack or a couple of 40's will do.
  12. H

    I wonder how AJ Derby is doing?

    Hey Vin, maybe Ahawk1 will let you in on his other rumor. He has another good one that should be out in a couple of days. If he gives you the next one and you break it before any of the writers or main stream press the entire HN should bow to you.
  13. H


    Anyone who thinks God did this is sorely mistaken. TT is not and may never be a mediocre qb.
  14. H

    Hawkeye sports room in my basement.

    I've seen ahawk1 crawl out of a few places but never funforts garage.
  15. H

    We need to hire a nationally recognized D-coordinator

    Foval21 I think you could be right. Ferentz models his program after his good friend the hoodie and they do something similar to that. I would not be surprised to see that.
  16. H

    Marcus Coker is Gone

    Kirk gets paid to coach football and put fans in the seats not to be a babysitter to a couple of college kids that don't get it. If he were paid 4 mil a year to babysit that would be to much. If you don't think he is worth the 4 mil a year look to the west next time your standing on the 50 at...
  17. H

    Coker Suspension: Best thing that could happen for 2012 squad?

    The one thing that it boils down to is responsibilty once these kids learn that they will be fine. Until then lets all stand in our seats or our living rooms and applaud the ones that come out of the tunnel.
  18. H

    If you could have 1 thing tomorrow

    Last I checked it was not English class.
  19. H

    If you could have 1 thing tomorrow

    nice you get it.
  20. H

    Alamo is Redick...

    I think the defenses got the banhammer.