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  1. K

    #4 Iowa @ Indiana Game Day Thread

    Last side comment... 2 to 1 you voted for Berne in the caucus. That is if you are old enough to vote.
  2. K

    #4 Iowa @ Indiana Game Day Thread

    LOL depends on what the definition of IS IS.
  3. K

    #4 Iowa @ Indiana Game Day Thread

    You have to be under 25 years of age. If so, I get it, life and death with every game. If you're not, "lighten up Francis".
  4. K

    #4 Iowa @ Indiana Game Day Thread

    I am so glad I am not your friend, or that you don't sit by me at work...
  5. K

    #4 Iowa @ Indiana Game Day Thread

    In the Maryland game and the Indy game tonight, there were two big plays with just over a minute left. Uthoff had a 3 go down and out that would have cut it to 2 at Maryland, and tonight we had 3 chances go down and out at the same juncture of the game. If those go down, we may win one of...
  6. K

    #4 Iowa @ Indiana Game Day Thread

    That's just not an intelligent statement... Maybe if we loose 3 more reg. season games... Our worst loss of the year was tonight, on the road, in the big 10, by SEVEN. We missed 10 freethrows, shot 53.6% from the line. I don't see Iowa doing that again...
  7. K

    #4 Iowa @ Indiana Game Day Thread

    I think Iowa would play Indiana, anytime. The next time Indiana won't make 4 ridiculous shot clock buzzer beaters, ridiculous long rebounds, lucky bounces, and Iowa won't miss all those free throws We will destroy them at CHA.
  8. K

    Jesse Palmer just gave Iowa props...

    on espn he said the is the most resilient team in the country with the most resilient quarterback in Stanzi. After this weekend he now believes in Iowa.
  9. K

    In 5 words or less...Describe how the rest of this season plays out

    Thirteen wins, Second in polls
  10. K

    Spikes suspended

    Anyone have a link to the video?
  11. K

    Going to Columbus... What seats should I get?

    Just picked up 4 in 24B row 2. Can't wait....
  12. K

    Going to Columbus... What seats should I get?

    None yet, just getting started.
  13. K

    Going to Columbus... What seats should I get?

    I have never been to the shoe and looking to get decent seats. I now there is a mid level B section that appears to have a great view of the entire field. Where is the Iowa Section? Thoughts? Thanks.
  14. K

    Sandeman hit

    clicheusername3 quit trolling on this board and using "our" in your post. You are not a Hawkeye as I have read many of your post in other threads. You are, however, pathetic. To all MSU haters. You should be ticked at your corner. If he, in the 4 yards he had to size up Sandeman, puts...
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    What about the 2 pass interfence non calls on our last drive. The long pass in the enszone and the throwback pass to Moeaki where the defender went through him to the ball?
  16. K

    Spartan Story

    What about the 2 pass interference calls that weren't call on Iowa's last drive? The long pass at the pylon and then the defender going through Moeaki on the throwback in the endzone. The holding call was as obvious as it gets. In fact the ball was in the air and it should have be PI with a...
  17. K

    How Could Any Football Fan Not See it was Helmet to Helmet?

    First of all, it was 2 and 7 on the helmet to helmet. The completion would have made it 3 and 5 1/2 with forward progress. Not ideal, but manageable. I am all for a big hit and celebrating. However, when you have have 4 yards to size up you opponent and could drill him with a clean...