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  1. H

    I wonder how all this impacts KF?

    If I remember right he has a daughter going to PSU, if so it hits on a personal level.
  2. H

    Lowe requests transfer

    law suits and eligibility Here is an interesting conundrum, if the university acknowledges it bears some responsibility for something that went wrong and then attempts to settle a suit with an athlete, does that mess with the students athletic eligibility? This seems problematic no matter how...
  3. H

    Interesting recruit's perspective on the ISU v Iowa series continuation.

    I don't think ticket count is relevant to the value of the ISU v Iowa game I believe it is very much in the interest of ISU to keep this game going as long as possible, as ISU has much to gain and very little to lose, look at ISU's AD and their ticket pricing schemes every other year, and...
  4. H

    Finally drafted from Eastern Illinois

    You know that guy who represents the midwest, you know that place between the east coast and west coast that people fly over all the time.
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    The Death of (Pseudo)Journalism, or, why I finally broke up with ESPN

    I was watching the big ten channel last night and they did an over view of all the big ten bowls, and they spent a good chunk of time talking about Iowa and what they may look like next year. Strangely I think it was the second half hour of the Big Ten Basketball show. Personally, I was...
  6. H

    Monday Newstand (links)

    Stewart Mandel is giving us a little respect.