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  1. G

    Tracking Woodbury's Offers / Interests

    Dundietroll, every state in the union has beautiful areas and less than beautiful areas ( I still think the field picture is beautiful). Nice cornfield stereotype, no-one here has ever seen that... I would wager that a kid from Harlem would find both of those pictures alien, and would have to...
  2. G

    ESPN: Woodbury to crack Top 50, possibly Top 25

    I agree.. unless you are top 5, if you commit early (especially to a non powerhouse) the services move on and I personally hate this. Its like some warped hype chess game by the recruiting services. They should be rated on talent/progression alone. An example is Grant Jerrett 2012 PF out of...
  3. G

    ESPN: Woodbury to crack Top 50, possibly Top 25

    In reference to my post above, don't take this to mean I think its more likely AW goes to one of those schools. He has done such a good job keeping his cards hidden, I have no idea. I am praying he does decide on Iowa though, especially after his good showing against some of the best bigs in the...
  4. G

    ESPN: Woodbury to crack Top 50, possibly Top 25

    Highly unlikely Ashley leaves the west, Kansas has an abysmal relationship with Ashley's AAU team and Arizona or Oregon are thought to be the front runners. I think Kaleb Tarczewinski is a more likely prospect for the tarheels. Somethings up in Lawerence, Self hasn't been been recruiting as...
  5. G

    The progression of Woodbury re posters here.

    Here is a couple of pics I found of AW at the Nike Skills Academy last week. He was in extremely good company and if he is performing well against these guys...he IS a MUST get. (He is wearing the white top on your left) The two players to the right (his left) are pf/c Grant Jerret and pf/c...
  6. G

    Two other guard transfers this week

    DB transferring was a mutual decision, as he is much too talented to "sit on the bench" but there is a log jam of talent at his position. Olive if you knew anything from your living in Tucson you would know that DB is a quality ( both in talent and character) kid and Iowa would be lucky to have...
  7. G

    Miller: Big Risk, Possible Big Reward with Hubbard

    It could be any number of reasons, but usually it involves a loved one such as a serious girlfriend, wife or sister getting into an altercation (could happen anywhere) and your first instinct is to get them out of danger/trouble. This happens more often than you would think. That said I totally...
  8. G

    Miller: Big Risk, Possible Big Reward with Hubbard

    Jay, usually when these types of charges are dropped it is because the prosecutors see after some study of the reports that no crime was committed. I myself was charged with assault simply for getting punched in face several times, I refused to fight back because I was in the attacking persons...
  9. G

    Texas got hosed bigtime

    I wanted to comment on J'Covan Brown's last shot attempt as well. The guy had just gone to the charity stripe 6-7 straight possessions to get Texas back into the game by going left to the rack hard, most of the fouls called in that time period were not obvious fouls. On his last attempt he goes...
  10. G

    Texas got hosed bigtime

    Actually that's correct about there being no rule about no timeout after 4 seconds has elapsed. However, The count STARTS once C. Joseph touches the ball, not when the ref first signals with his arms, this is to account for any delay/controversy with the timing. The official rule book states...