Search results

  1. G

    Helmets For Sale???

    For sale in U of I surplus? Makes no sense on two accounts. They are worth their weight in gold to give to donors but even a bigger reason is in selling them they take on liability issues if some idiot decided to relive his days as a Polk High School Panther. Call the law school for a ruling Mr...
  2. G

    THE rule for hiring football and basketball coaches at Iowa

    First I would go one further and say, no hiring of an AD from a non-BCS school. That would take care of the coach hirings and other policy changes that have been attempted since Bump retired. However, this nonsense about Iowans not having a "basketball mentality" is BS and smells of a sour...
  3. G

    Wegher-Bombs in 2010

    Brinson = Fullback if he stays at Iowa
  4. G

    If the trifecta return for senior seasons...

    Iowa did it in I believe 86 with Long, Harmon and Haight