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  1. T

    Fran Lost me today!!

    100% agree with this post. I like the up place style he brings............where was that, sure didn't see that today??? The fact that he continues to play JO as much as he isn't aware of what everyone else in hawkeyenation is. We went from at least the 10 minute mark to 2 minutes left in...
  2. T

    Unacceptable loss. Very unacceptable.

    This is on Fran, playing Ogelsby and Woody way too much. I don't understand I'll never understand.
  3. T

    Tom Davis' Last Team

    This is the best message I've read all night.
  4. T

    I hate to say it..

    I'd bet your entire paycheck from McDonalds that there is ZERO chance we will be an 11 seed with a 2-2 record. This whole thread drives me insane seriously. I don't post very often and haven't for some time, but now is as good of time as any. Why does everyone give up so easily? All...
  5. T

    How much are season Tix costing this year?

  6. T

    Tickets for Sunday 02/21

    I was wanting to take my son to the basketball game on Sunday and would like to get some cheap tickets. Anyone have any they want to part with, or anyone have any suggestions about the cheapest route to go to get them?
  7. T

    Ollie from Hooiser

    "Nah I knew we had it all the way"