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  1. hwkwyld

    Black & Gold again for OSU?

    Just had this exact same conversation with a co-worker. Our opinion... A LOT!
  2. hwkwyld

    World series picks....????

    A Giants/Yankees World Series would be epic. For those who don't know, there's a little history there. History of the New York Giants (NL) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Lou Gehrig said this in his farewell address "Sure, I'm lucky. When the New York Giants, a team you would give your...
  3. hwkwyld

    MSU Game on Beggars Night?

    Don't get me wrong, I like Halloween and love the excitement in my kids but doing Trick or Treating on Oct 30th and calling it "Beggar's night", and then not doing anything on Halloween is stupid. Granted I haven't lived in Iowa my whole life so I don't know the reasoning for this, but even if...
  4. hwkwyld

    Buzz the tower!!

    Will never happen unless the aircraft is prop driven.
  5. hwkwyld

    World series picks....????

    Mine as well friend, mine as well. :D
  6. hwkwyld

    Black & Gold again for OSU?

    Once a year is enough. It was awesome and we should most certainly do it again however, if you do something like this too much it loses some of the magic. How about just beating tOSU?
  7. hwkwyld

    There is no Kirk presser today

    You should be ashamed of yourself. You know you're not supposed to speak when the adults are talking. You've earned yourself a "timeout" :p;)
  8. hwkwyld

    World series picks....????

    As a life long Giants fan I am PRAYING for Giants vs. Twins. I put my wife on notice that I will be heading to MSP if this happens. She rolled her eyes and said "Whatever". I reminded her of the Lady Gaga tickets she just purchased and that pretty much ended the discussion. As far as who I...
  9. hwkwyld

    MSU Game on Beggars Night?

    It's Halloween, except it's not on Halloween, it's the night before. It's F'N Stupid!
  10. hwkwyld

    SPRINT the floor

    Cannot wait for Basketball Season!
  11. hwkwyld

    2006 Outback Bowl...

    *Sigh* - That is still painful to watch. If it weren't 0930, on Tuesday, and I wasn't at work I think I'd start drinking. I agree with some of the other posters, that crew was on the take that day. Too many BS calls not to be. The "game moved too fast" excuse was horrible.
  12. hwkwyld

    MSU Game on Beggars Night?

    Beggars night is so F'N stupid! Why can't Halloween be on Halloween? It makes no sense to me. Haven't decided what we're doing with our kids yet. We'll either have G&G come down from CF and watch/take them or do Halloween in CF on Sunday.
  13. hwkwyld

    Buzz the tower!!

    FWIW - The 124th Fighter Squadron, Iowa Air National Guard, is know as... wait for it, wait for it... The Hawkeyes. The Squadron's mascot is below. Notice anything familiar about it?
  14. hwkwyld

    when are you going to learn

  15. hwkwyld

    You write the caption: Penn State Week

    HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa... You think you can stop me on a 4th and 1 at the goal line... HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa... Bring it B*tches!
  16. hwkwyld

    Seriously...time for JoePa to retire?

    While I don't disagree with your points about the respect JoPa has earned, there comes a point where his being there is more detrimental to the team then him not being there. Is Penn State at that point yet? Their fans seem to think so however, I say No. The record over the last five years...
  17. hwkwyld

    Wisconsin game time?

    Nowhere specific, just a hunch. Forgot to tell you that in honor of Wisconsin I'll be serving my "Apple Pie Moonshine" that day. Stop by!
  18. hwkwyld


    Agreed, I don't care about the Arizona loss anymore. Take care of business and everything else will take care of itself.
  19. hwkwyld

    You write the caption: Penn State Week

    "I own you, don't you ever forget that. 24-3, pfft, it could have been 50-3. You remember that, and next time you speak of me you speak kindly!"