Iowa established the run against Purdue had they just kept with it. Northwestern was a complete shit-show because we didn’t even try to establish the run, even with a 17-0 lead!!!. Iowa should be 4-0..
Shutting down isn’t stopping a virus like this and the economy wouldn’t be functioning fully! I don’t know what makes you think this but IMO your wrong. Until there is vaccine it’s going to keep spreading and impacting life as we know it.
Sadly Howe created what this board has become today, basically a shell of itself. He injected that venom and allowed political nuts to take the keys and drive it and drive people away .
Change will be good and hopefully it’s coming!!!
So Broken that it seriously took me 11 days to respond. So since I finally got it to where I could reply and still not sure how I was able to I can't navigate this site it just spins. I comeback every now and again to see if it's changed but it hasn't.. JOKE!!!
DD a is spot on Your a mouth breathing tool and it’s sad how far this site has fallen. Pretty pathetic honestly! I once loved HN YOU Should of kept it to sports Rob!!!
Why his Mother? Wadley needs to be interviewed and be asked about all the inconsistencies with his statement. Akrum has alot of explaining to do IMO. Sports Illustrated did article on this and his comment on the Pinstripe Bowl didn't match what KF said. That's just one example.
I think I...
Yup same. It's My last day here. I'm packing up and going to the HawkeyeInsider. Sadly HN is not the same for me anymore and that's on how it's being managed..
Exactly this HN site is becoming absolutely weird. Reading the comments from Rob last night and responses from people on here is becoming straight up whacky!!!
Lmao!!! Let me guess Rob your going to vote the problem out. Oh A guy that’s been in Washington for little over 3 years? I thought you were smarter, guess not!
As for all you said above that truly took some balls! However in my view you just showed your hand and imo it’s people like you that...
Takes forever to navigate HN. I have no issues except when coming to HN. I went to HawkeyeInsider today for 1st time in years and zero issues. So unless I can get a solution to what it is I might be going to the darkside for my Hawk talk.