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  1. BleedNRed

    Seantrel Henderson (again)

    Thanks... I stand corrected. I just talked to a friend who has a better memory for this stuff. He said that the coaches passed on him because of the baggage. However, he did say that he had heard the same rumors that a recent inquiry from the Henderson family had been made to Nebraska but he...
  2. BleedNRed

    Honest Nebraska discussion...

    I don't mind hanging with diehard fans of rivals or other college football fans. However, I HATE being around fair weather football fans. (I deal with the fair weather USC fans on a daily basis in SoCal.) I would much rather be a Husker fan in the middle of Hawkeye country.
  3. BleedNRed

    Seantrel Henderson (again)

    He was being recruited by Nebraska for a while. If I recall correctly, Nebraska was one of his leaders at the end before he chose USC. I heard (strictly rumor... no confirmation; please don't skewer the messenger) that he made an inquiry to Nebraska recently and was politely refused.
  4. BleedNRed

    Honest Nebraska discussion...

    The Huskers have our ample share of homers and homer journalists. Every team does. Please don't form an opinion of Husker Nation and the team from our fringe. In general, the fans are a good group and the Husker teams will battle hard on the field. I don't think that the battle between...
  5. BleedNRed

    Honest Nebraska discussion...

    Great thread... I wish I had got in on it sooner. IMHO, any Nebraska fan that thinks the Huskers are going to dominate in the B10 needs to have his/her head examined. I believe that the B10 took over the title of the Smashmouth Football Conference after the turn of the century. Nebraska will...
  6. BleedNRed

    Mizzou Thinking of bolting

    I can't blame them for wanting to get away from the Whorns, but they're still stupid. They obviously didn't learn from this last go-round that you don't make your intentions known to the world when you are negotiating to move to a different conference. They didn't learn to keep their Tiger yap...
  7. BleedNRed

    Wisconsin already campaigning to play Neb final week

    My vote (FWIW) is for Iowa. It also has merit for the folks that live in the region because they can easily have their Thanksgiving before heading to the game.
  8. BleedNRed

    Interesting...Texas will not accept any "penalty" money from Big 12 North schools!

    Re: Interesting...Texas will not accept any "penalty" money from Big 12 North schools ROFLMAO!!! That's like a madam telling her whores that she's putting the money they earn into an education fund so they can improve themselves!!! Do you really believe that the Whorns and their boot licking...
  9. BleedNRed

    Very interesting article from on how the Big 12 was saved.

    There is no question that the money will be withheld, but the question is whether they will be allowed to keep it. I don't think Nebraska will go down without a fight.
  10. BleedNRed

    Very interesting article from on how the Big 12 was saved.

    There is more to the story than Texas Whorns' Propaganda Minister, Chip Brown would have you believe: Texas was negotiating to move to the PacX for months prior to Nebraska parting for the B10. Texas strong-armed the PacX in the eleventh hour to allow them to keep Bevo Network. The PacX...
  11. BleedNRed

    Miller: Big Ten Divisional Alignment Prediction

    Really, Shadas? You didn't waste any time starting the flaming. Unless I misinterpreted a lame attempt at sarcasm or I misinterpreted your post, then geographically it does not make sense for PSU to be tied into a "West" division.
  12. BleedNRed

    Big 12 to stay together with just 10 teams?

    This is the best scenario for the Whorns: > They get their Bevo Network (at the expense of the other teams in the conference. > They get to keep their groveling, boot licking conference commissioner and continue to lead him around by his nose ring. > They get nine other teams that...
  13. BleedNRed

    Miller: Big Ten Divisional Alignment Prediction

    Michigan 2000 9-3 beat Auburn in Citrus Bowl 2001 8-4 lost to Tennesse in Citrus Bowl 2002 10-3 lost to Florida in Outback Bowl 2003 11-2 lost to USC in Rose Bowl 2004 9-3 lost to Texas in Rose Bowl 2005 7-5 lost to Nebraska in Alamo Bowl 2006 11-2 lost to USC in Rose Bowl 2007 9-4 beat...
  14. BleedNRed

    Miller: Big Ten Divisional Alignment Prediction

    Michigan???? You must mean from an historical perspective....
  15. BleedNRed

    Miller: Big Ten Divisional Alignment Prediction

    Thanks for the clarification. From a national historical perspective, the B10 will have (in 2011) five or six powerful football programs (OSU, UM, PSU, Iowa, UNL; maybe Wisconsin?). However, as another poster so aptly pointed out, strength is cyclical. So, how do you divide a conference to...
  16. BleedNRed

    Does this mean I have to pull for Nebraska?

    I wear XXL :D
  17. BleedNRed

    Does this mean I have to pull for Nebraska?

    LOL You've got a whole year to wrap your head around this new addition to your family... after we are officially B10 members, you can think of us as your red-headed cousins... family but only associate when you absolutely have to... :D
  18. BleedNRed

    Miller: Big Ten Divisional Alignment Prediction

    :confused: 1. How does it make geographical sense to have PSU part of a "West" division? 2. How are the divisions competitively balanced if tOSU is playing in a division that has no (current) contenders while PSU is playing in the same division as Iowa and Nebraska? 3. B12 was never...
  19. BleedNRed

    Miller: Big Ten Divisional Alignment Prediction

    Ummm.... why do you think the top three teams would be in the East Division? This isn't a troll... just curious? It's unlikely that the Huskers will be a bottom dweller in the B10 or in national rankings. Therefore (without ND), the West Division (based geographically) would have at least two...
  20. BleedNRed

    Miller: La Cosa Longhorns

    Actually, not true. He indicated that the B10 was not interested in us. He also indicated that Texas was approached by the B10 (according to Delany, that wasn't an accurate statement). Chip Brown was thoroughly used by Texas to attempt to manipulate us into staying in the B12. His slanted...