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  1. H

    If Norm Has to leave...

    Norm is not leaving. Kirk has said many times this year in his pressers that Norm took his time so he could "come back for the long haul" Norm is here to stay, and I'm fine with it. I'm fine with all of our coaches returning, because they're good at what they do. They just need to...
  2. H

    Iowa Football: Is it Execution or Philosophy

    Thanks I appreciated that coming from you Jon.
  3. H

    Iowa Football: Is it Execution or Philosophy

    One thought that just came to me while reading this. Ferentz always lays blame at the feet of the players via execution. Is he really that stubborn to think that himself and the coaching staff can't improve their execution? Is it really all the players faults? No. Execution is the...
  4. H

    Iowa Football: Is it Execution or Philosophy

    Execution is the name of the game. For players AND coaches. We are in a position to win games because that is the philosophy. Keep it close to the vest, and give yourself a chance to win. But one of the most glaring stats I have ever seen regarding Iowa and Kirk Ferentz is our win-loss...
  5. H

    Kirk's First Word of MN Post Game Press Conference

    I dont have a problem with it. He doesn't owe us or the press any answers. He handles -- or attemps to -- handle issues in house, the way it should be. What good would it be to throw people under the bus who haven't done their job? I agree I don't like his answers, and would like more...
  6. H


    The entire team is the problem, not offense or defense. But for a team who prides itself on defense, not offense, the defense is the ones who are letting the team down with their performance. And you said it in your first sentence. Our defense is predicated on forcing the other team to...
  7. H

    I sat behind the Iowa bench

    Yep. Ferentz has lost the team with his approach. No one has any fun. A few weeks ago after the press conference during player interviews outside the football complex, someone asked Stanzi if they had any fun. His response was, "When we win." Well, if you're not winning and not...
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    Nothing will change. Anyone disagree?

    Are you serious? what Iowa team to you watch? We roll out plenty.
  9. H

    Nothing will change. Anyone disagree?

    What I do not understand, is that with this scheme we went 11-2 last season.
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    I can't believe all of you traitors who just gave up on the team

    So then why spend it on Northwestern? I don't agree with your approach, but I see where you're coming from. It's one thing to not financially support the Hawks. That's fine. But then to go and spend your money on Northwestern? Get freaking real man.
  11. H

    Sickening comments by Clayborn.

    What that really means is Ferentz has lost the team with his approach. No one has any fun, and he won't adjust, essentially all losses being the exact same.
  12. H

    This year, the stats are lying

    I dont think this is the case. Ferentz gets asked decent questions, but he simply dodges them like a politician. He doesn't want to throw anybody under the bus, and wants to handle issues in-house -- the way it should be. Telling the media what he REALLY thinks is wrong isn't going to fix...
  13. H

    KF's NFL mentality gives us the highs and the lows

    They didn't take a week off. I guarantee you they prepared to the best of their abilities. However, Northwestern (and their scheme) is one step ahead of Ferentz and his staff, and it has been our downfall 5 of 6 years.
  14. H

    It is ALWAYS execution

    We didn't execute from the field, and we didn't execute from the sideline. Neither the coaches or the players get a pass. The coaches did a poor job schematically, and the players failed at times executing. Both are to blame, but for this game, I'm going coaches 60/40. Our defense...
  15. H

    My Big Ten & Iowa Bowl Projections for 11-13

    I'm leery on going on any bowl trip this year, but I will not go to the Gator Bowl. It's Outback or nothing for me. And even that has me cringing. I will not be an enabler of mediocrity and go to crappy bowl games from now on.
  16. H

    KF needs a Chief Operating Officer

    Far from melting down. Disappointed that we did not live up to expectations in what could have been the greatest Iowa season ever? Yes. I don't think we're going to get the type of opportunity we had with the stars aligning like they did, too many other times. We let this year slip away...
  17. H

    KF needs a Chief Operating Officer

    This year is a failure. Because the "grand scheme of things" does not matter this year. Only this year matters. And guess what? We've fallen drastically short of our expectations. And guess what? All of them were realistic. A national championship, or at LEAST, a BCS appearance with...
  18. H

    Telling Persa quote

    I see where you're coming from Jon, but we expect improvement. You can'd do some good things, then revert to middle of the pack. Having one good year, then hovering in mediocrity for the next four years doesn't fly with me. When you're better than teams, beat them. The only team that has...
  19. H

    How would you like to see us defend ball control passing spread offenses?

    How about not matching up linebackers on wide receivers? If we don't get a great push with our front four, we have backers running down the field with receivers. Most teams have to gameplan a scheme in order to exploit a mismatch, whereas that is simply what we do on every play. I understand...
  20. H

    This season is officially a failure

    You kidding me? We'd get raped by them. This season is the biggest disappointment regarding Iowa football in my life. 2006 is a close 2nd, but we have so much more talent than that team.