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  1. I

    Iowa Women vs. PSU

    Agreed. It's amazing PSU is able to hang around at all considering how one-dimensional they are. Hard to believe Iowa has lost to them twice, even with the injuries.
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    Iowa Women vs. PSU

    Printy is hitting her shots again. That's why shooters have to keep shooting. Three pointer makes it 68-53 Iowa with under 8 left. Printy has 22.
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    Iowa Women vs. PSU

    Kach with the And 1! Showing some serious fire. After the free throw it's 65-53 Hawks, 8 minutes to play.
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    Iowa Women vs. PSU

    One thing I've noticed: Iowa blocks out as well as any team I can remember watching (men or women). I know Kachine is an insanely good rebounder, but the other guards are almost always in the right position as well. But PSU has six more rebounds in this game. I don't get it. 62-51 Hawks with...
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    Iowa Women vs. PSU

    54-45 Iowa. The scoring has really picked up in the last few minutes (on both ends). Each team seems to be getting better as the game goes on.
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    Iowa Women vs. PSU

    You're the one who usually does the updates, right iahawk20? I'm not even going to try to match the quality of your threads. :)
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    Iowa Women vs. PSU

    Krei with another 3! Wow!! 20 points for her. 50-41. Iowa.
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    Iowa Women vs. PSU

    Kelly Krei!! 4-5 from three point land today and 15 points. Stepping up big time in the absence of the usual scorers. 43-36 with 15:00 left, Iowa. And Printy at the line.
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    Iowa Women vs. PSU

    Yeah, just 36% right now. Printy is 3 for 12 and Whalin is 2-9. I wouldn't expect either of those trends to continue.
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    Iowa Women vs. PSU

    Kachine taking over. 40-36 Iowa with 16:00 left.
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    Iowa Women vs. PSU

    Kach comes back and immediately hits a jumper to open the second half. Iowa with a lead again. 35-34. 18:00 left.
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    Hamilton just said on Twitter Schlatter

    I might be in the minority, but I'm glad it's Kerr. Also, don't want to root for an injury, but Schlatter out is great news for Iowa.
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    Iowa Women vs. PSU

    32-30 PSU at the half. Iowa is definitely a different team without Kachine in. Hopefully she'll stay out of foul trouble in the second half.
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    Iowa Women vs. PSU

    Penn State is up 28-25 with 2:30 left in the first. Kachine has been on the bench for a LOOONG time with two fouls. Bluder must be comfortable with the score since she hasn't been willing to risk putting Alexander back in yet.
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    Iowa Women vs. PSU

    Maybe. ESPN has them in right now, but losing here would obviously hurt. Even though they would still be under 20 wins with a victory today, winning 10 of their last 12 might make up for it (especially considering the youth and early season injuries).
  16. I

    Iowa Women vs. PSU

    Ok, I guess I'm the only one. I'll update the score periodically in case anyone is interested but can't post. PSU just tied it up at 21 with 7:30 to play. 6-0 run for PSU.
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    Iowa Women vs. PSU

    Iowa started out really well, but started struggling when PSU turned on the press. Four turnovers already and tied at 9.
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    Iowa Women vs. PSU

    Not sure if anyone is watching this on BTN right now. Could ultimately decide Iowa's NCAA fate. Iowa is up 9-7 with 15:47 left in the first half right now.
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    The Cody Larsen 'Situation'

    I think you mean "second degree burn."
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    Looking at Iowa assitant Coaches Salaries...

    Ha. Don't drag me down with you:).