Search results

  1. IowaSS

    2010 Heisman Odds

    Time will tell if we have someone emerge, preseason hype is just that. If we can win and get some national TV, then our guys have a chance.
  2. IowaSS

    Iowa vs Nebraska thought

    So if Nebraska is the only team to join this year, how long before they enter our schedule? I heard two years out, is that correct? We would start playing them in 2012?
  3. IowaSS

    Now that NU is in, Missouri should be next

    Holy crap, you are thinking deep! I do agree with most of what you say though. The PAC 250 cracks me up! I do hope Texas goes to the pac just because I'm pretty sure I can't properly deal with "Don't mess with Texas" or "Hook em Horns" in Kinnick after I have had a few beers and start heckling...
  4. IowaSS

    Make your prediction: who is first new Big Ten team?

    Mizzou , Nebraska, Pitt, Rutgers are all members of the coveted "American Assoc of Univ." Notre Dame is not (won't matter) but I would guess all of these schools will commit to the new "Big 16" with Nebraska and Mizzou being the first and the others trickling in over the next 6 months. I think...
  5. IowaSS

    Why is soccer even shown in America?

    "Football" as it is called elsewhere outside the US is a very strategic game that I used to think was pretty boring but as in golf until you have played the sport you don't realize the talent level people have. High school soccer here is getting better every year and our USA team is finally...
  6. IowaSS

    Running Back Situation

    Well hopefully if they don't get kicked off the team they will have more motive to get in shape and hope to play. Sad these guys can't keep a lower profile, hard to do when everyone else is downtown.
  7. IowaSS

    11 Reasons Why Nebraska Should Lobby for Big Ten

    I like the idea of Nebraska. We still need some "warm up" teams on our schedule, but I would much rather have a team like Nebraska play us than a fill in team we picked up when the schedule expanded. The academics problem will work itself out as they get more revenue and invest in research, etc.
  8. IowaSS

    There was once a thread on this board asking whether...

    Football pays the bills right now and a national title would be huge towards more perks for all involved not to mention bring the basketball team some much needed hype. Not to slight how great our wrestlers and the domination that Tom Brands has brought back to our great program but if it were...
  9. IowaSS

    Jeremiha Hunter

    Jeremiha, keep working hard man! I'd love to see you playing on Sunday's! He was somewhat overlooked last year with all the studs we have on D, but this year will be a showcase for him and the rest of the D stuffing them in classic Norm style. I see all big ten for him.
  10. IowaSS

    Rate The Hire 1 to 10

    Post this in two years and see how everyone did. I give him a 4.5 but only time will tell.
  11. IowaSS

    Give Fran some ideas on how to energize Carver and the student body.

    Hot women and find a way to serve beer or a indoor "tailgate" place big enough for about 10K fans for some pre-game activities. That'll bring at least 10K students
  12. IowaSS


    I just heard that the Iowa athletic department is going to push the "official announcement" until Thursday morning with the hopes that Bruce Pearl may consider coming here since he is now out of the tourney. My other sources say they could even push it out until Duke loses with the hope of...
  13. IowaSS

    Lot of Forbes talk this coming week?

    How does Pearl handle this knowing Forbes is a candidate for the Iowa job? Does he just dismiss any rumor he is interested and then knowingly push for his right hand man to get the Iowa job? It will be interesting to see what happens as it would hurt Tennessee basketball to lose Forbes. Maybe he...
  14. IowaSS

    Baylor's Scott Drew- Negative recruiting tactics from ESPN

    Doing some research on Baylor coach Scott Drew and saw this today on ESPN Dallas. You can't believe everything you read but I didn't like what I saw here. A google search revealed similar comments on his recruiting tactics that are taboo in college basketball and the sort of thing we don't need...
  15. IowaSS

    Don't Dismiss the B.J. Armstrong Talk

    Jon- Do you have a "hit" counter for the site overall? I think this coaching search has to top the single daily total of "Hawkeye Nation".(maybe a top 5?) This is a credit to how passionate the Iowa fans are. There are pro teams that would kill for this publicity!
  16. IowaSS

    How much???

    I don't know the figures but would guess the football team brings in huge amounts in comparison to basketball cuurently. With that said, would a final four Iowa Basketball team generate enormous sales in merchandise alone? Look at the Yankees or Manchester United (English "soccer"). They buy...
  17. IowaSS

    Favorite coach of all time- who would you choose?

    Some great coaches out there both past and present. If you could go back in time or pick your favorite current coach to bring us a national powerhouse team, who would it be? My vote would be Lefty Driesell (Lute a close second). All time ncaa coaching wins here: NCAA men's basketball...
  18. IowaSS

    DePaul looking at Steve Forbes

    Right on the money Jon. The 70's and 80's were great for them under Ray and Joey Meyer but the 90's saw them slip into the cellar and haven't recovered since. (Joey's last year in 96-97 they went 3-23) I remember watching Terry Cummings and many other great players from DePaul a lot as a kid...
  19. IowaSS

    The Search: Should Iowa REALLY Consider Jacobson?

    What about Bill Self?? Maybe the Kansas fans are dumb enough to push for his removal? I see the Kansas boards threads stating "Self cost us the game", "Refs", "Mediocre mid majors". Nothing we haven't seen on Iowa websites when the chips are down. Classic how quickly people jump on a...
  20. IowaSS

    Tournament expansion likely

    Might as well just let everyone in. Kind of like a sub 500 team playing in a bowl game, what's the point? If the fans want to go on vacation and their team sucks at least they can pick a better destination than a crappy bowl game!