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  1. B

    Does Iowa have the psychological edge going into MSU?

    Maybe we can do to Sparty what they did to us last year. Our fat, toilet-clogging d-linemen can fake injuries to slow down thier offensive momentum, taking 2 minutes to waddle off the field. Oh, never mind. Iowa doesn't have any fat, toilet-clogging d-linemen.
  2. B

    Now that we have seen the team in action...

    Still 4 to 6 wins.
  3. B

    KF needs a short sleeve shirt

    Are you married to Rehka Basu?
  4. B

    Iowa/Miami of Ohio several years back.

    I was at this game. Ben had his mojo going and their crowd was in a Cyclone-Magic frenzy late in the game until Derek Pagel picked him off to seal it. The most athletic and timely Iowa pic I've seen before or since. I still remember driving back from Oxford feeling lucky as hell that we won...
  5. B

    Nebraska can do better than Bo Pelini.

    I'm talking about sideline behavior here. Openly visible thuggish doosh-baggery. Pelini shows it consistently and Osborne was the polar opposite. Not a good match in my opinion. The casual observer might not know about how Osborne handled the Lawrence Phillips and Holy Weiner, I mean...
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    Nebraska can do better than Bo Pelini.

    I've never seen Steve Spurrier coach a football game where he was the more likable, classier coach...until today.
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    Nebraska can do better than Bo Pelini.

    Nebraska is a great university with one of the most passionate and loyal fanbases in the country. They are a perfect fit for the B1G and vice versa. BUTT, (and I say 'butt' because I'm going to start talking about Bo Pelini, who is an ***) their head football coach is an immature, classless...
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    "I don't understand a word you just said."
  9. B

    Iowa's football philosophy

    A.) You can out-execute your opponent (KF's philosophy) B.) You can out-gamble your opponent (Paul Rhoads-ISU) C.) You can out-scheme your oppenent (Chris Petersen-Boise St.) Teams that use A,B and C are hard to beat. Iowa's problem: We are stubbornly devoted to A, and when A isn't working...
  10. B

    Mike Stoops sighting?

    Isn't PEN15 the guy who popped DiBona and ruptured his achilles? Way to ruin our depth at LB, PEN15!
  11. B

    Official NW prediction thread

    Let's not forget that this game has been a total mismatch of emotion for the last several years. Iowa's D is also Persa's favorite to play against, which means his confidence will be sky high even if he's not 100% healthy. Iowa's O had better show up with their **** hot to win in a shootout...
  12. B

    ISU Super Bowl

    I didn't watch the game, but I heard some Iowa State fans talking about it. Sounds like Iowa State was the better team, but they just made too many mistakes and ran out of time. I'm sure that's the case, but the score makes it sound like a monumental failure by Iowa State in front of a...
  13. B

    "Micah-Micah-Hyde, Micah-Hiney-Ho"...

    Did anyone else catch Mike Hall on BTN say this after the Pitt highlights? Priceless. Our crowd should yell this after every Micah Hyde pic. By the way, Pee-Wee's Playhouse is hands-down the best Saturday morning show ever. Period. End of story. Even better than Bugs Bunny, Jonny Quest...
  14. B

    For 3 qts we were flatter than ______

    a trucker's a$$.
  15. B

    I am a big LOSER!

    I've been going to Iowa games with my dad since the lowly Bob Cummings days. Whenever dad sees fans leaving early, he tells the story of when my grandpa gave he and my uncle 2 knothole tickets for a big game back in the Evashevski era when they were boys. Iowa was getting spanked, so they...
  16. B

    What kind of offense does Nebby run?

    Nebby? That might be the most sickening word I've seen since 'wikileaks'.
  17. B

    Gotta love Nebraska fans

    Loesshills, Sorry I questioned you about Christian Peter in my earlier post. I did some research on the Blackskirt defense that he was a part of: LC: Episcopalian Sausage; Public display of affection with livestock (1992) RC: Protestant Pe*ker; Public urination (1994) FS: Jewish Junk...
  18. B

    Gotta love Nebraska fans

    Holy Di*k!! Did you say Christian Peter? I think youv'e got the wrong guy. I'm pretty sure your'e thinking of Heavenly Johnson. No, wait...maybe I'm thinking of Godly Crank. Now I'm confused. Never mind. I'll ask my buddy, Religious Donger. Maybe he remembers.
  19. B

    This season is officially a failure

    Not sure if the season is a failure, but the NW series has become a total mismatch of scheme and emotion. Hats off to NW. This was not an upset. Go Hawks the rest of the way!
  20. B

    Weather in Ann Arbor!

    Ann Arbor is a filthy gutter slut.