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  1. Jeebus

    Wes Bunting of NFP--Scout's Notebook on Stanzi.

    I don't get the feeling that Ricky throws many balls to his second or third reads. It's either a home run or nothing.
  2. Jeebus

    New Helmet Sticker on Back of Helmet

    Thanks for information. I feel silly now for not having noticed it before.
  3. Jeebus

    Brommer- out of control of body

    I'd like to propose a new drinking game for Iowa b-ball. You have to drink every time Andrew hits the deck. I swear he was prostrate for more of the game than he was upright. It was ridiculous to the point of me laughing. That said, the whole team was tighter than a drum yesterday. I've seen...
  4. Jeebus

    New Helmet Sticker on Back of Helmet

    Just to the right of the 4......just can't make it out. I thought it said Marvin too...but don't know. Can't believe nobody knows what this is about.
  5. Jeebus

    What lost the game

    Northwestern had the 10th rated pass defense going into Saturday's game. Iowa scored 17 points. Iowa scored 18 points the week before against a team that gave up 80 to Wisconsin. Still want to blame the defense? Did it occur to you that when the offense doesn't sustain drives that...
  6. Jeebus

    New Helmet Sticker on Back of Helmet

    No, it was a small black sticker with a name on it that began with the letter M. There is something going on "off the field" with this team.
  7. Jeebus

    THIS is what drives me crazy and is inexcusable IMO

    The adjustment was needed on offense. If Iowa sustains drives and keeps the defense rested, they win. Scoring 17 points is the problem. See Indiana.... Two weeks and 35 points against Northwestern and Indiana. Pathetic. Almost as pathetic as all the posts blaming the defense for our losses.
  8. Jeebus

    What is keeping us from being great?

    QB play.
  9. Jeebus

    New Helmet Sticker on Back of Helmet

    Hello? Didn't anyone notice this?
  10. Jeebus

    New Helmet Sticker on Back of Helmet

    Anyone know the story on the new helmet sticker Iowa was wearing last Saturday? It was someone's name but I couldn't make it out. Don't know the story but I'm guessing it has something to do with Kirk being emotional after the Michigan game and some other games this year.
  11. Jeebus

    Check out May's hops (photo)

    We can't build a team around these unathletic Iowa kids. Sad.
  12. Jeebus

    Kirk on the Side: Talks Decision re: Robinson vs Michigan State

    I can't believe Kirk referenced the book on clock management. It reminds me of a post I saw on Rivals or Scout. I know it's crazy but sometimes I swear he reads message boards.
  13. Jeebus

    Coe sets visits

    Hope Coe gets a chance to chat with Jason Ford.
  14. Jeebus

    Nebraska - Iowa Game

    You guys that don't want this game on Friday must really enjoy shopping.
  15. Jeebus

    Jared Ebert

    Can't disagree, though I don't recall Forgy getting this many offers. I hear a lot about Alvis but I don't really hear a lot of buzz about the other young guys on the DL. Do you have any info on who is impressing, Homes?
  16. Jeebus

    Jared Ebert

    Don't forget about Yanda. He was a JUCO. Honestly I'm a little perplexed that they haven't offered this kid. A JUCO with his size is more of a "known quantity" and I think is a safer bet than some gangly freshman St Bernard puppy type of recruit that may NEVER grow into his paws.