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  1. S

    Young moves up!

    I always thought Young was severely underused at Iowa. He was great as a sophomore and then they just never seemed to give him the ball enough. He almost single-handedly won the MSU game in 2007. Underused and underappreciated.
  2. S

    Iowa Special Teams Ranked #1 in Country

    How many times did he punt on a short field and pin the opponent inside the 20? That stat is not accounted for in net punting. He does shank one occassionally but not that often. He deserves the recognition in my opinion. And to say he was only the 5th best punter in the Big Ten last year is...
  3. S

    Jon has WAY too much love for Michigan!

    Because of how close many of the games were last year, most Big Ten games scare me, including Michigan. I don't see how you can feel very confident about Iowa winning at Michigan when it was so close at home last year. I think Iowa will win but I would not bet the farm. That being said, I do...
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    coach of the year

    Pretty sure Dake was a true freshman. Perhaps some thought his performance right out of high school made him more worthy than McD. And McD did not ever wrestle a couple of the big names at his weight - not his fault, just worked out that way. Not sure if Dake had similar good fortune. No...