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  1. S

    This guy doesn't get near enough credit

    Glad to see I wasn't the only one who saw that play! The TV cameras and commentators do a lot of isolations on the O-line, but seldom on a great lead block by the fullback. I know its not a flashy position, and many of the NFL teams have gone away from using a fullback much in their offensive...
  2. S

    This guy doesn't get near enough credit

    Fullback Brett Morse. After watching him closely last year and especially the first two games this year, he just blows people up. Solid, solid blocker, never misses an assignment, and good hands makes him a receiving threat. I give him much of the credit for our running game the last 2 weeks...
  3. S

    The wind does not favor Iowa today...

    Still Uncomfortable? Its 28-zip at half... i think you can relax just a little now...
  4. S

    ON THE RECORD: My Final FB Predictio & Yours

    I am going with 10-2 with losses to NW and Michigan St. We will beat tOSU, Wisky and believe it or nail-biting fashion.
  5. S

    Wegher Back on Friday??

    I thought DOCB was banned. I guess it was just a time-out
  6. S

    Has everyone gotten there tickets already?

    No, I took another posters advice and always drive 55 through Cedar Rapids.
  7. S

    Should Big Ten Title Game Be Outdoors?

    Good points you make. Furthermore, if the old addage "To the victor goes the spoils" means anything, one of the two schools playing in the B10 championship game should host the game. Why have it somewhere else other than in a B10 stadium? Why give some other city all the economic windfall ...