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  1. T

    I have spoken to several former Iowa Football players today

    Not jealousy, not sinical. And the fact that they are not hak fans gives them a little less bias in the situation. I am not a hawk fan but I would react just the same if this happened with ISU. I can't believe how many people poo poo this like nothing rwrong happened. The fact is 12 players...
  2. T

    This is now the world we live in....

    Well said. As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. I find it disgusting that people feel "nothing to see here move on" and act like this is okay. We know one fact for sure...12 players were hospitalized following a workout. That is not normal and in no way is it okay. This is not...
  3. T

    Gregg Doyel Blasts Iowa Football

    So other schools have workouts that put 12 kids in the hospital... Um no. The reason that this is a national story is because it is not normal and the sheer number of guys hospitalized is a large number. again, this is not normal. Doyel, like normal, goes over the top but some serious...
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    I have spoken to several former Iowa Football players today

    This is sickening. So what you are saying it is better that 12 football players are hospitalized so they don't run out of gas when they play football. Seriously stop and think about that for a minute.
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    I have spoken to several former Iowa Football players today

    Bravo. Something that puts 12 guys in the hospital is an area of concern. It does not matter what happened in the past or what former players who were not there think. What does matter is 12 players were hospitalized (over night). If one player is hospitalized it is an issue but it may be...
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    I have spoken to several former Iowa Football players today

    Yes, nothing to see here. 12 players hospitalized. I don't doubt that it is due to a rigorous workout but the fact stands that 12 players were hospitalized. This is not normal. It is not something that occurs on a frequent basis. In the end, the staff needs to figure out why it happened and...
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    Sorry to intrude but I have a couple questions

    Thanks for the responses. I usually get to see a lot more iowa games but my kids are in too much crap this year.
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    Sorry to intrude but I have a couple questions

    I haven't watched iowa as much this season as I have in the past but I did see the tOSU game and have a couple of questions Tarpinian/Nielsen- I am assuming they are hurt. If so, when were they hurt? If not did they get beat out(guessing this is not the case)? Adam Robinson- Is he dinged up...
  9. T

    Ballard or Binns at DE?

    Agree being fourth is better than being #1. Heck I would take iowa's 5th best DL on ISU. I thought Ballard was better against the run at DE which got me wondering if he would push Binns back out or if they might rotate on obvious passing/runnning downs. I was very impressed watching Daniels...
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    Ballard or Binns at DE?

    Thanks guys. So how would you ranks iowa's DL best player to worst (they are all good) in regards to each other? I guess I would have gone AC> Klug=Ballard> Binns. Do I have Ballard and Binns mixed up? I guess I was impressed with Ballard last year and saw that the coaches voted Ballard...
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    Ballard or Binns at DE?

    I know binns didn't play last week because of suspension but will he play/start this week? I was impressed with Daniels and IMO, the best 4 DL are Ballard, Daniels, Klug and AC. I guess what I am really asking is will Ballard play DE or DT this week? or both?
  12. T

    Complete Iowa vs EIU Two Deeps

    That was my first thought.
  13. T

    This 1992 on thing screws Iowa

    Better yet use the last ten years. Iowa easily jumps up to number four and quite possibly could be number three. They have as many Big Ten titles in the last 10 years as Michigan and Penn St. They own Penn St and their down years haven't been as bad as Michigan's. IMO- Iowa has been the...