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  1. HawkLyfe

    With all the UI Football Jerseys out there...

    I wear my #11 on gameday as Ed Hinkel is one of my favorite hawkeyes, I hope to get it autographed by him someday so I can retire it and hang it on the wall.
  2. HawkLyfe

    Do you think Kiffin has offered this kid yet?

    I didnt know kids this age played tackle football.
  3. HawkLyfe

    McCarney and Henderson

    Looks like Dan is predicting more floods.
  4. HawkLyfe

    Arob and Keenan Davis hit the silver screen?

    haha I thought it was funny!
  5. HawkLyfe

    OT: Crazy Japanese music video with Hawkeye helmet in it

    mmmnnnnn daddy like
  6. HawkLyfe

    NFL ot

    I dont like the NFL OT! Why did that pr!ck pick heads, tails never fails.
  7. HawkLyfe

    Orange Bowl Championship banner @ Kinnick

  8. HawkLyfe

    QC Times: Angerer triumphantly returns

    Good read thanks for posting
  9. HawkLyfe

    Sound FX - New York Jets Video

    Good video thanks for posting
  10. HawkLyfe

    Your Ranking For Iowas Runningbacks Next Year

    Jewel sure does get a lot of love around here from the little experience has has not to mention he was running behind Greene.
  11. HawkLyfe

    Orange Bowl Highlight video

    Great video I appreciate you taking the time to feed us on the off season!
  12. HawkLyfe

    Who will be USC's new coach?

    Gene Cheezdik.
  13. HawkLyfe

    Congrat Hawkeyes From Buckeye Land

    BIG 10!!!!!!!!!! how ya like me now?!?!?!?!?!
  14. HawkLyfe

    "If you don't love it, leave it"

    I loved it!!! so proud of this hawkeye team!
  15. HawkLyfe

    Wegher running hard

  16. HawkLyfe


    I hope AZ can win it, but they are off to a rough start
  17. HawkLyfe

    Jake Kelly - ACL

    that sucks! I was hoping he would have a great year. Heal up Jake!
  18. HawkLyfe


    Great win for the Big 10
  19. HawkLyfe


    TD wisc!