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  1. H

    QB battle

    true, i was thinking like 1-2 wins sour, which could happen.
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    Did the Michigan State Offense Look Familiar Last Night?

    IE ISU v Tulsa. you'd think that they were playing for a BCS National championship the way the fans are acting. CPR coach of the year!!
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    Hate to bring this up

    OK4Prez-just wondering if you think that this is the year that we sweep Northwestern????
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    QB battle

    i think the kid from texas will be in the mix-i bet he doesnt play next year, but can see him starting the year after. if things go really sour though, i can see him playing. im impressed from what i read about him.
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    Is Speed The Only Thing Missing From Our Receivers?

    hands, talent, agressiveness, football prowless, speed, size, a good offensive scheme, coaching, a good/accurate QB, if it hasnt already been said.
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    Chiefs interested in Ferentz??

    we can only hope-but KF is much smarter than that(he is stubborn, not stupid). he has 1. a high paying gig 2. complete job security
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    Did the Michigan State Offense Look Familiar Last Night?

    oh-1 more thing-i noticed that Dantonio actually gave the back up qb a shot or a chance to prove himself.
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    Did the Michigan State Offense Look Familiar Last Night?

    Watching the MSU v TCU game last night, i almost felt like i was watching Iowa play. I had several thoughts while watching the game: 1. who is a worse QB? JVB or MSU's QB's? 2. With MSU good Defense/poor Offense they were probably 2-3 games better than us. the D was the difference between the 2...
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    How many wins does Kirk need to save his job?

    0-13, no way he is gone unless he violates contract
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    Va Tech

    didnt the new nebraska coach coach at CSU last year?
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    Hypothetical: If Ferentz Has Interest From an NFL Team....

    turning rutgers around was almost as a daunting task as turning around ISU, if that tells you anything.
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    Hypothetical: If Ferentz Has Interest From an NFL Team....

    it will never happen again. the mediocrity of the iowa fb program has been too well documented over the last 8 years. the only college coaches that go to the NFL are successful ones, like chip kelly, nick saban, steve spurrier, Captain Kurt(circa 2002). Plus, whats Kurt going to do, be a...
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    Season report card: Iowa -

    I am seriously concerned about the direction of the football program. I do feel that Kirk will turn things around, the main problem is, i dont see that happening for another 2-3 years. i think next year will be just as bad, and the following year will see improvement. the third year should be...
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    What was Fran thinking?

    big money college sports-you gotta go for the jugular. Iowa Football farts around and doesn't cripple weaker teams, allowing them to hang around. Fran did the right thing
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    Ruh-roh Re: Delano Hill

    we are so screwed
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    who is your favorite Iowa Basketball Player of All Time??

    I grew up watching in the 90s, with players like Jess Settles, Acie Earl, Andre Woolridge, Chris Street, etc...Jess Settles has to be up there for me, but i vividly remember watching Chris Kingsbury draining almost half court 3's. looking back at it, i have to compare him making 3s to a...
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    Melvin Gordon

    so he played in 3 games in 2011, and this year he is a RS Freshman??? I didnt think that if you played you could be a redshirt? He is class of 2011 in high school, so im confused how that would work?
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    Who will start at QB?

    the least mobile guy will start
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    1-3 to start the season next year?

    it looks like iowa will be 1-3 or 2-2 to start the season next year. the only freebee is missouri state. i thought we had a good chance against ISU, even in ames, but with the play of their QB, it looks like a loss waiting to happen, even them losing alot on defense. Lord knows how KURT has...
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    With Davis Staying - Who Leaves?

    does anyone know the QB that was rumored to be transferring?