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  1. H

    Storming,your thoughts for todays game?

    I see they are a 14 point underdog.
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    Storming,your thoughts for todays game?

    How are we gonna do against the gophers today?
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    Tucker to Winona State

    I bet he wishes he could get that tattoo off his arm!
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    Stokes gets UCONN offer

    What is a touch guy? Oh,you mean tough! I never watched the whole game,and I had been watching BT ladies basketball all day. Anyway,I had heard so much about her,I watched some of the finals. She must be damn good,but when I first started watching it,I was unsure which team was Marion LM. The...
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    Stokes gets UCONN offer

    I watched Stokes play last night in the championship game. What am I missing? I must be missing something,because I was not impressed. Did she have a bad game?
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    Best Sign on GameDay This Morning...

    That is funny!
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    ‘Building blocks’ give Hawks reason for hoops hope

    Gonna be just a little less ugly next year!
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    If we lose this game

    Definitely in now!
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    If we lose this game

    I say we get in,even with a loss!
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    ~Lickliter says he expects to use Tucker Scholarship~

    Anything new on our South Dakota recruit that can be told? Is his team still playing,or are they done?
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    ~Lickliter says he expects to use Tucker Scholarship~

    Are you sure he would take it? He would not be the first person to turn our coach down. How embarrassing! Rob said he is not sure if he would take it. I think he has a better feel than anyone I know.
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    Iowa is now officially slotted as the 9 seed in the BTT

    You always here the statement that its hard to beat a team 3 times in a year! Does that scenario hold water with Iowa playing Michigan again for the 3rd.time? Can our coaching staff get it done?
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    Iowa women play on the BTN against Penn State at 1:00 PM CST.
  14. H

    Matt Gatens said it best this morning!

    Sorry I can not copy and paste. The only thing I left out was "HOPEFULLY,its motivation to keep working and go get them Sunday.I really don't think that changes anything. Thanks for stirring the pot storming!
  15. H

    Matt Gatens said it best this morning!

    Hey BBALL,get a life. Thats pretty much what I said. Nothing was changed!
  16. H

    Chances Lick Comes Back Next Year?

    I pretty much agree with you Bus. However,Brommer is a scholarship player that is Licks recruit. The kid has improved alot and is popular on this squad. We shall see!
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    Chances Lick Comes Back Next Year?

    Jon,if he loses one player who played any significant time,I think Barta is gonna be told to do something about the situation. They can not keep using the excuse "we are young". We are young because we keep losing our players. We have no bench because of deflections. Then we end up putting the...
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    Chances Lick Comes Back Next Year?

    If he loses one player,which I think he will,he is GONE!
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    Matt Gatens said it best this morning!

    In this mornings ICPC Gatens said"obviously,its our record,so we keep track of it. Its not fun at all,and you get really sick of it". I think we all,the players included are ready for this season to end.
  20. H

    Iowa at Wisconsin - Pomeroy gives the Hawkeyes a 3% chance to win

    Ryan will not feel sorry for our coach or team. He will beat us as bad as he can. He will work the refs. right off the bat.