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  1. H

    Matt Perrault I know you hang out here

    I can see some logic, for the fact that they probably are more likely to swing in larger circles. The powerful usually draw the less so, and are more likely to be fed information in the hopes of gaining favor, or just attention. It happens in literally every single social circle. Also...
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    Matt Perrault I know you hang out here

    I will even take it one further, I have no issue with him saying flat out specifically " Stanzi had to have known". It is still an opinion based sentence, and at no time did I hear ( mind me i did not memorize this) Stanzi knew. Or even I think Stanzi knew. People are allowed to have opinions...
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    Matt Perrault I know you hang out here

    and stating Stanzi HAD to know is a lot different than saying, Stanzi knew. Had would be the word implying I think he knows, rather than stating it as fact.
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    Matt Perrault I know you hang out here

    Well being that it is an opinion , you really don't have to base it on anything. I can say, the sky is green. It isn't, I have nothing to base that on, but I can say it none the less. Saying Stanzi should have known, or How could he not know, or I would be shocked if Stanzi did not know, is not...
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    Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

    Well unless he is psychic what information would he have to back that up? All he could do was ask Stanzi. How can you prove someone doesn't know something? It's impossible. And agreed Matt had absolutely no ammunition in saying Stanzi had to know other than , how could you not know because...
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    Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

    I get the difference, but let's not kid ourselves, the shows on the air, are not journalism driven, their very premise is opinion driven. It is not a "just the facts ma'am" situation.
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    Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

    There is certainly a point to Perrault's side of things. I played the podcast for my wife, and noticed Howe stated outright, that " Stanzi did not know". Does this logic go both ways, or because it is not damaging to the program it is ok to state something as fact that Howe has no way of knowing.
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    Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

    Yeah not sure that saying " I would be shocked if Stanzi didn't know" is statement of fact that he knew. It's saying MP believes he knew. Way different. I can say I would be shocked that no one outside Iowa gives a crap about this conversation and whether it went over a line, that means it's my...
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    Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

    Not a problem. I am new here, I am probably doing this wrong anyways lol
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    Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

    I would say the high profile , star and "leader" And it doesn't matter at all. Had Howe not immediatley gone to the defensive ( I just re-listened to the podcast, he raised his voice asking why Perrault thought that, this board would be much shorter and a lot different tempo. Again Perrault...
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    Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

    When did I say anything about what kind of guy he is?? He said something about what kind of guy I am or am not as it were. Maybe you're getting your posts mixed up? I was just poking some fun. :D
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    Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

    Well then I will be sure to write you a letter on my next trip in space.
  13. H

    Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

    I guess I don't see it as hindsight that a college football player doing drugs, could lead to attention on the team itself if it were to come to light. how is that hindsight? That's either being mentally challenged or woefully ignorant or having your head in the sand. Which is exactly what it...
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    Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

    How you would know I have never been in a locker room must come from the point that I disagree with you. Whatever gets you thought the night. You know nothing about me and I think its highly irresponsible to throw that at the wall and see if it sticks. :) My point is, I would be the guy...
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    Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

    This is the problem I have with this. Why wouldn't a radio sports host be able to say that? It's an opinion. He did not say I know for a fact Stanzi knew. He said he found it hard to believe Stanzi didn't know, etc. Is he a d bag? Yes. But for reasons completely unrelated.
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    Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

    Foresight is 30/30. If you don't think someone using or surrounding themselves with drugs or whatever was happening could have no bearing on a football team or its success must be one of the guys majoring in pool cleaning. I am not naive and I went to college. I could care less if some...
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    Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

    What I heard on the drive home ( and bear with me I havent gone back and dictated this or anything) was a lot of " I find it hard to believe Stanzi would not know." or " are you saying Stanzi doesnt know" Is this a backhanded way into something sensational? Sure and I already said there is no...
  18. H

    Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

    If the teammate extracurricular sh** threatens the teams future, chemistry, performance or anything else ( which in this case it certainly did) you bet your britches I am saying something. No one persons jollies have the right to ruin it for everyone else. I would be having a conversation with...
  19. H

    Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

    They both came off as pretty immature. It was embarrassing to listen to two grown men who make their livings in a communication medium unable to wrangle their mouths. Everyone has bad days, and gets their buttons pushed but it is not hard to be a bigger person. I was just glad the mic was muted...
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    Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

    Couldn't agree more. Is MP smug and rubs people the wrong way? Sure. So don't listen. But to say its irresponsible or pot stirring to even bring up the point of how could someone not know, and when is it a line in the sand between loyalty and doing whats right by saying something. I dont...