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  1. N

    Please help the new football complex?

    buckets of eggs
  2. N

    Ask Kirk Ferentz

    Coach, would you not agree that the vast majority of games come down to a few plays here and there? While I understand the concept and need for execution, can you not see that in those games it is almost always the gamers who are victorious? The ability to turn nothing into something is a...
  3. N

    If you were the OC, what's the gameplan for Saturday?

    First play up the gut for five or so, second play up the gut for five or so (then a fumble). Biggest problem I see with this team and someone correct me if I am wrong, or feel free to ask Chuck Long or a qb coach is the qb position (not saying Jake). When it was a designed run for Jake up the...
  4. N

    If you were the OC, what's the gameplan for Saturday?

    If the boys are up to the challenge of putting on the big boys pants, here is an idea. Right up the gut. None of this juking, just lower the shoulder and hit those middle lbs HARD. Soften up the d's qb's a little. Maybe put them on the bench for a little bit and test their second string...
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    Gordon on Iowa Fans

    How much? I might want a piece of that.
  6. N

    If we win out

    True, but who cares at that point?? Be fun to watch them try and we would be west champs
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    Should Iowa Go With Two RB's in the backfield Most The Game?

    IDK about that, but I do know if I see a bunch of up the middle blitz's, I would have to think about a flea flicker with a three or five step drop. It also seems like a good time for a fake hand off to a guy who can block that line backer, and leave the other rb with an open lane. Ofcourse both...
  8. N

    If we win out

    Oh my skeptical friends, have some faith. I spoke with the football gods and they assure me we've got this. No way around it, this team is hungry, this fan base is hungry. For many, these next few games are the biggest games of their lives, not so much for Wisconsin and Nebraska. All comes down...
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    If we win out

    Just by winning the last two, we get jabs on all three. As for the "laying eggs" it happens. Its just time for this team to put it all together and step up to the plate.
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    If we win out

    We settle a score with Bucky and we get a jab at OSU. OSU is hoping Bucky wins out. So many jabs to Bucky (2010), Nebby (ties the new "rivalry") and OSU, who face it does not take our last meeting seriously. Lets not just win, lets embarass them, foot on the gas for 120 min (just to be safe)
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    On D?

    So we played OC, what about DC? Have to stop Gordan from getting outside. He is dynamic, but far less in a phone booth.
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    It is GO HAWKS week in Iowa City

    If your scared, say your scared, but remember church is on Sundays and is for praying, Saturdays are for FOOTBALL!!
  13. N

    If you were the OC, what's the gameplan for Saturday?

    As I said in the other thread, you have to burn their LB's early and often. You also, as was said, need your fastest recievers (I dont give a crap about hands, just need speed and some decent route running and the ability to fight for a ball, should it be poorly thrown) on the outside to keep...
  14. N

    X and O question

    NC I see what your driving at and agree. The TE's have to occupy their LB's, atleast enough to keep them off the line a bit. Be it with blocking or getting behind them and catching some balls. If we want to run inside (after we get the LB's to back off), I highly suggest running plays where an...
  15. N

    If you were the OC, what's the gameplan for Saturday?

    As was said assignment football. Make them earn every dam yard, make them be flawless play after play. Allow NO big plays. SPECIAL TEAMS!!!!!! Be nice to see some good returns, some good punting, WIN THE FIELD POSITION BATTLE!! That would really help out the O. Reconize the blitz, and make...
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    Had tickets months ago. Kind of thought this game might be important. We have a real shot, but we are going to have to really step up the physicality. Neither of the next two is a push over.
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    7-5, we all know it.

    Idk, in my mind scoring in the 30's should mean a win. Call it old school.
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    7-5, we all know it.

    Saddest part is I use to get excited when it was third or fourth and short and our D was out there. Now I just want to look away and hope for the best.
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    7-5, we all know it.

    Giving up 38 points sure sounds more like b-ball. Sure not a recipe for winning football games.
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    Why shutdown the offense in 2nd half??

    I agree with winone, why show more than needed. Wisconsin played that way. Also it pains me to admit, I missed the game. Did they go with different personnel in the second half? Maybe get some pt for others while the scores up?