Not to forget that Kittle, Jess Settles and Henry Krieger Coble were all cousins. Their moms came from a family of 8 girls that were all extremely athletic and successful... I think each of the girls won a state championship in one thing or another - mostly BB and Softball.
I think they need to get away from the "verbal" commit stuff... It really doesn't mean anything. It'd be less of an issue with fans getting wound up and all in a tizzy when they supposedly decommit. Verbal's aren't binding contracts - unless your KF. Not many families teach that now-a-days...
I felt like the team played better when Big Jelly came in - neutralized their inside game... They made their 1st half run while he was playing... I was surprised he didn't get more playing time in the 2nd half.
Plus, having Wirfs there to not only say "Hi, go to Iowa", but to also talk about how Iowa does truly prepare OL for the NFL... A ready made product so to speak... There's a reason the NFL loves Iowa players.
Agreed. If he can develop/utilize the head fake, he'd get the line more consistently vs. being blocked... Makes one feel better about the # 2 spot going forward...
Very true... and absolutely agree. To build off that, maybe that's where an AD needs to focus - it'd take someone with a set and a convincing argument to push/pull that group to agree on what it'd take - Barta doesn't seem to fit that mold, quite the contrary in my opinion... it's a plan or a...
Just because you don't like or agree to my answer doesn't mean it doesn't work. Quit screaming the world is flat and be creative in your thinking. That's all I'm asking, is it too much to ask? Apparently so...
True, but they sucked last year and he readjusted on his staff. Why?
Hoiberg? ISU a blue blood?
Anyway, you asked I provided... without the normal excuses.