Recent content by frankswanson234

  1. frankswanson234

    1 ticket for isu. 50 yard line

    I have one tix for game toomorow. Txt me at 5159918843. Price is negotiable. Thanks
  2. frankswanson234

    The Search: Expectation Management

    WOWOWOW negativity, somebody's on their period
  3. frankswanson234

    Tweet Re: Pearl - From Rick Brown Dsm Register

    This is a lie. No tweet says this
  4. frankswanson234

    Marshall, Gregory, Stallings and Hewitt turned down Barta?

    why automatically assume they turned it down because of the the Iowa end of the job. Maybe they have personal things that enjoy about their jobs, and aren't inclined to jump at the first major conference offer they get.
  5. frankswanson234

    ETA for new coach?

    What is the timetable?
  6. frankswanson234

    Fast Rising Candidate: Tony Barbee of UTEP

    I am very sorry. No sarcasm, I feel bad, and like a dumba**.
  7. frankswanson234

    Fast Rising Candidate: Tony Barbee of UTEP

    UTep is serious, Don Haskins says so
  8. frankswanson234

    Fast Rising Candidate: Tony Barbee of UTEP

    Great article! He would be a great guy for the job! Maybe he could bring Derrick Character?
  9. frankswanson234

    What the Coach Needs To Do

    Whoever our new coach will be there are a few things he needs to do. First off he needs to go Hayden Fry on this programs ***! New Uniforms,new court, new locker room, new seating arrangement, new posters, etc. Ricght now we have a losing attitude, and it needs to change! Secondly, team unity...
  10. frankswanson234

    DJK twitter, follow him

    he has some good stuff on there follow him @DJKOULIANOS, and me @frankswanson
  11. frankswanson234

    Bruce Pearl's blank check
