Recent content by BrkynHawk

  1. B

    Cartwright concerns me

    Tony Freeman could shoot well and score well, Cartwright is a joke.
  2. B

    Cartwright concerns me

    I don't think Cartwright fits on this team. Most of the other players are team players and are willing to make an extra pass for an open shot. Count how many times BC passes and how many times he shoots. If he is trying to be the starting point guard, he needs to understand the pg position...
  3. B

    Anyone go to Insight last year...

    Yes, I went. 1. No idea. We left car at hotel and went to the tailgate party at Margarita Rocks (starts at 2) and walked to the stadium. 2. Yes, they sell beer at the game. Highly recommend the Hawk party at the Big Bang piano bar tomorrow night (6-9).
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    Insight tickets

    I have two extra, face is $85/each, Loge 114, row 2. Anyone need 2 tickets?
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    Best Bowl Trip You've Been On

    I don't know that I have a favorite, they are all fun in different ways. A good game with good weather is preferred, but the Orange Bowl a few years ago was cold and still a good trip. Here are some things from each bowl. Orange.... scenery at South Beach, great club level in the stadium...
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    Insight Bowl Big Huddle

    I just got an email that they will be having the 'Hawkeye Tailgating party' at Margarita Rocks again this year. Don't know the times, but I would plan on being there at least 3 hours before the game. Also on the 28th there is a Hawk party at the Big Bang piano bar, this was a huge success last...
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    Insight Bowl Big Huddle

    Last year there was a huge Hawkeye party at Margarita Rocks just west of Mill Ave. If they do that again, my group will be going there. It was much like a Hawkeye Huddle but in a two story bar.
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    Bowl Hotels and Resorts

    I went last year and stayed at the Sheraton in Tempe. I would recommend Tempe over Scottsdale or Phoenix. The Mill Ave district has many restaraunts and bars and they are more reasonably priced than Scottsdale. We are staying in Tempe again this year.
  9. B

    Tailgating in Lincoln

    The downtown DJ's. Described on Bravo Sports Marketing
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    Tailgating in Lincoln

    We plan to go to the Hawkeye party at DJ's Dugout in Omaha on Thursday night and then hit the bars in Lincoln on Friday early. Looks like it isn't a hot tailgating place but rather there are a lot of bars close.
  11. B

    How do we finish- Predict last 7 games

    NW-W IU-W MN-W Mich-L MSU-W Pur-W NEB-L 8-4, Outback, Gator or Insight.
  12. B

    A Few Things...

    I am sure others have mentioned these things on the board, but I didn't see them. There are a few things that jump out and bother me when watching the Hawks this year. -When we get the ball with time left (up to 2 minutes) in the first half, we do nothing and waste a possession. With the...
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    Team Travel?

    Does anyone know when the team is heading to Arizona? Where are they staying? Are there team events like there has been at other bowl games? Any parties for fans? I know there is one at the Big Bang on Sunday (26th), but haven't heard of any others. On Iowa, Go Hawks.
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    I went to the game last night. I enjoy watching the Hawks and Fran's style of play. I do think there were some bs calls, but won't put all the blame on the refs. I thought Cartwright made a ton of stupid mistakes in the second half. The first half he passed the ball and ran the offense well...
  15. B

    Pregame Info?

    Have they set the Hawkeye Huddle site and/or location yet? Any Hawkeye parties planned? I know the past they have had them at Howl at the Moon (Tampa and San Antonio), there is a piano bar in the Mill Ave District. When is the team heading South? I look forward to my first trip to Phoenix...